The 'You're my boyfriend and that's why you're only looking at me' look

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I've found yesterday one of my first Young Royals oneshots and realized, that I didn't post it here. Enjoy<3

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Pov Simon
Today is a concert for the Royal Family. Several musicians perform and Wille also insisted on our choir. Kinda likeable, I think.

However. Most of the audience that was invited is already there, but Wille and his family are not yet. The last rehearsal was about an hour ago, it went well. We're allowed to sing my version of the Hillerska song today, actually I should be happy about it, but I don't really know. It's probably just the excitement.

At that moment, everyone cheers. The whole choir gets up and goes to the barrier. "Simon, come on" Felice waves me over to her, but I remain seated. "Your boyfriend is here" now two others stop and look at me. I make no move to get up.

Wille is there, yes, but that doesn't mean that I have to run to him like the others, screaming hysterically, does it?! "Now come" I am grabbed from both sides and dragged along. "It's okay" I say, slightly annoyed.

It's very funny, as soon as I'm with the others, they make way for me to go right to the front. "He's coming" everyone stares at me, instead of Wille. I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

Wille smiles at me briefly and then walks on with his family. Three meters further he turns around and comes back. He plants a quick kiss on my lips, grins proudly, and then walks back.

I take another deep breath before I start singing.

Forna dagar, flydda år
De säger, "Tid läker alla sår"
Det gjorde ont, jag tappa' bort mig själv
Jag var lost, innan jag hitta' hem

So far, everything is going well.

Det vi hade och de vi var
Kan aldrig glömma allt som var bra
Om ni kräver mig på svar
Lever alla minnen kvar

I look to Wille, who is listening intently. When he feels my gaze, he immediately smiles.

Vi har prövats, vi fick slåss
Men det vi var, kan ingen ta från oss
Går skilda vägar när det är slut
Nåt som jag kommer minnas livet ut

If we continue to look like this, not only the spontaneous kiss is mentioned in the headlines. If I look somewhere else for just two seconds and then back at him, he always has his 'You're my boyfriend and that's why you're only looking at me' look. I really enjoy doing it over and over again.

After we've finished singing, we walk off the stage, neatly lined up. I haven't sat down in my chair yet when Malin comes towards me. "Hey" I smile at her. "Follow me" doesn't sound like anything bad.

I nod. "It's best to take your things with you, too." She points to my backpack, which is next to my place on the floor. "Okay" I say slowly and slightly confused. She walks through the ranks and I follow her.

Nobody really pays any attention to us right now, as quite a few other people are also walking through the aisles, either to the stage or to the toilets. Malin stops at a corner where another bodyguard is waiting for us.

"You can give me your backpack" I put it in Malin's hand. "I take over" so I follow him now.

We go all the way to the front, one after the other, to the first row. "Sit here" he points to the empty chair next to Wille. I could have guessed that he was behind it. As I sit down, the full attention of the press is on me and Wille.

He kisses me with a grin. Apparently he doesn't give a damn that we're being filmed and photographed. "Hey" he smiles. "Hi" he puts his arm around me.

"Did I mention that I love it when you sing, especially that song?" I shake my head. "No, you absolutely never have" I laugh. He knows it's not true, I know it too. Will takes my hand and smiles proudly.

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