My Love for you is not fake

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Pov Simon
"I think we really need to get ready slowly" I say to Wille and sit up. "Oh come on, five more minutes" Wille pulls me back down to him and wraps his arms around me so tightly that I can't free myself.

"It's just that I haven't seen most of them in almost two years and I don't particularly want to show up late. Besides, you want to make a good impression, don't you?" "We still have enough time, believe me" he murmurs against my neck. "If you say so" I'll try to relax a bit.

Today my family is having a Christmas party with a part of my family that I haven't been able to see for a long time for various reasons and to that I'm being forced by almost everyone to bring Wille.

I don't mind taking him with me, he's my boyfriend after all, but I absolutely hate family gatherings. Not the people, well most of them, of course there are people who I find rather unpleasant, but you have to live with that.

There are more reasons like, for example, a lot of people in a small space, a lot of questions, a lot of hugs and kisses on the cheek and so on. Just really pleasant.

"Should I actually let the Crown Prince side or the Wille side shine more?" Wille asks after a while. "I would like to have a healthy mix of the two so that you don't say or do anything that makes you a complete idiot or, if you're very unlucky, even ends up in a headline. But I think that should be clear." "I would never do anything that would make me a complete idiot!" he says indignantly. "Says the one who almost set the kitchen on fire trying to cook something." I turn to him with a grin. "Okay fine, I'll give that one to you" he presses a short kiss on the tip of my nose.

After a quick look at the clock, we both get up, change and do our hair, so Wille does, I'll just leave my curls as they are because sooner or later it'll be a mess again anyway.

"Before we go, I want to give you something" he opens a drawer on his desk and takes out a black, flat, oblong box. On the lid is the name of a brand that, as far as I know, he has a bracelet that he has practically never worn until now.

"What is that?" I look at him questioningly. "Open it" he places it on the surface of his desk and pushes it to where my hands are.

"Basically, I don't want to buy you anything expensive. Not because you're not worth it, no, you're worth all the money in the world, but more because I think that homemade stuff is much more personal and I know that you don't want me to buy expensive stuff for you. But since it's my first real Christmas present for you, I wanted something special that you can always have with you." He smiles proudly but still plays nervously with his fingers.

I carefully lift the lid of the box and inside, glittering because of the light, lies a necklace, probably made of silver, with two pendants on it, a heart with an engraving that I can't decipher from here and a second heart, the same size like the first, just not filled in.

"That... um... wow" I stutter, overwhelmed. I lift the box up enough and hold it up to the light so that I can read the engraving.

'My Love for you is not fake'

A wide smile forms on my lips. I kiss Wille and hug him. "Thank you" I say quietly. "So you like it?" "It's beautiful Love" "Really?" "Yes. I love it" "Can I... um... put it on you?" I nod. "Yes, please"

We break apart and he carefully lifts the necklace out of the box, looks at it reverently and slowly puts it around my neck. When he's finished, he takes a step back and looks me up and down. "Suits you" he says with a smile.

Someone's knocking at the door. "Are you ready? We have to go" "We're coming" on the way out we quickly grab our coats and I also grab my backpack.

"It's cold as fuck" "It's December, my darling" Wille puts an arm around my shoulder, grinning. We have to walk the last part because the road is not cleared.

"May I make a comment?" Malin looks questioningly in our direction. "We're listening" Wille looks at her invitingly. "The description 'Two idiots in love' fits you very well" she laughs. "It's always nice to have you around" he stops, takes snow from a little wall next to him, forms a snowball and shoots it at Mailn's back.

"I think it's really nice how you're taking advantage of it more and more every day that I shouldn't hit you or throw snow at you." "That's sad" I grin and before I can do anything about it, I feel the snow on my face that came from her direction.

"What makes you do this?!" Wille runs to her and jumps on her back. "Wilhelm!" Malin tries to shake him off, but that doesn't work because he's clinging on so tightly. "Oh God, why didn't I quit long ago?!" "You love us" Wille puts his head on her shoulder as if it were a given and gives her a wet kiss on the cheek. "Unfortunately, I really love you two too much." Malin continues to try to shake Wille off, but it still doesn't work.

I look around, maybe someone is watching, you never know. Oh. I was right. A few meters away there is a group of people, about the same age as us, maybe a little older, one of whom has pulled out a phone and is filming the whole thing.

"Wille" "Huh?" I go to him and Malin, stand next to them and say quietly to Wille: "What was that again with 'Don't do anything that will end up in a headline if you're unlucky?'" "What do you mean?" he asks confused and I just nod towards the group with a grin since the whole situation is pretty funny. "At least the press has something interesting to write about again" is his only comment before he goes back to the floor.

"Finally" Malin stands up straight. "So, you two come along now, because I don't have the slightest desire to have a fight with your mother this year again Wilhelm" She puts one arm on Wille's shoulder and the other on mine.

A few meters further, Wille suddenly stops abruptly. "What are you doing?" I ask him as he looks behind us. "They're still filming" he states. "Yes and?" he pulls me into a deep kiss. "What was that?" "Just wanted to fill the headlines a little more" he grins.

"Turn off phones, both of you. I want to have some peace and quiet this evening." Malin seems a bit annoyed, you can't blame her. We walk silently side by side for the last part of the route.

When we arrive at the location, Mom comes and meets us. "Hey" she hugs each of us with a smile. "You had fun on the way didn't you?" "What?" she holds out her phone to me. "Oh" I laugh. "What is that?" she looks at my neck.

"That?" I take the necklace out from under my sweater. "Yes, that" she looks at it for a while. "May I know what it says? Or is that too private?" "Read yourself" she takes the heart with the engraving and reads what it says. "That's very sweet" she says with a smile and squints towards Wille. "I guess it is" he puts an arm around my waist and stares lovingly at me.

He knows his stares are annoying me at some point, that's the reason why he likes it even more. And because I don't want him to win again, I just say,

"I hope you have a nice Christmas"

"I love you too" he looks at the faces of the two women and then adds, "But you definitely ruined my mood" "It was a pleasure, as always" I chuckle.

And then I realise once again:
The fucking Crown Prince of Sweden and most gorgeous person in the universe is my boyfriend and he loves me as much as I love him.

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