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'How many decades has it been? How long have I been here after what happened? How long have I been planning to go back?'

The World was dying. Well to be more accurate, the world had been in the process of dying for years now. At least to the sole man inside a field of energy deep underground.

This man is currently packing up various pieces of equipment into a case, but these pieces of equipment are different. They look otherworldly and impossibly advanced. He currently resides in a laboratory, which is filled with machines and inventions that were very similar to the ones he carries. One of these inventions is currently powering what seems to be a portal. Its color of bright blue with lightning emanating from its epicenter, its destination is known only to the man who invented it.

The portal is the result of calculations and tests that would baffle even the smartest minds on the planet (if there were still any alive), and it is his chance of changing fate itself.

The man looks up from packing and bright green eyes that have dulled over the years look at something on a wall. Something that he is very familiar with, something that represented him for a long time now. He walks over and stares at a glass box that houses his identity, his name for the longest time, one that he took to forsake his old name. The name that he'd abandoned to walk the path of a villain.

Inside the box was a suit. One that is very reminiscent of the time when heroes and villains still walked the earth. Its design was sleek and dark with a few splotches of red, the head was designed as a mask that covered the whole face. The top has a unique design, it's shaped with strips of metallic leather in the form of a V, with the lower part being shaped as a misshapen smile. A smile that looked menacing, one that stroked fear into everyone that saw it.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you can be a hero.

The torso of the costume is designed with the same metallic leather as the head, with a few other modifications. It's built to withstand, absorb, and shoot out any kind of energy, from kinetic to thermal. He created it with the idea of manipulating the power that flows inside of him right now. A Quirk that he himself created.

I'm sorry Izuku!

Finally, the bottom half, the same dark design, same material, and is incredibly resistant to tearing and friction. He had to double-check the bottom of the boots to be sure that they would never wear down at the speed he goes at. That addition only came after he knew of his new capabilities.

If you think you'll have a Quirk in your next life. Go take a swan dive off the roof!

He clenched his fist as he removed old memories from his mind, 'Huh.. haven't felt like this in ages, then again I will see them soon anyway, so I might as well get used to it.'. He reached out to the glass and a holographic screen lit up in the glass, filled with an alphabet that only He can translate. After pressing a few keys, there was a beep of acknowledgment, and then the glass box along with the suit inside shrunk. It continued shrinking until it only reached up to his knee, then he lifted it up and brought it into the case filled with other similarly shrunk inventions.

'Finally after so many years, after decades of planning, contingencies, theories, and applications, I can finally do this. I can finally come back and fix everything.'

The man felt a tug at his lips and after many years of denying himself, he finally let himself smile again. But the smile was not the kind that was reassuring, it was filled with malice and his eyes had a wicked intelligence inside them.

'Soon, I will return and I will mold the world into the future that I have long fought for, and there would be no one alive powerful enough to stop me.' He's failed with his plan once, that will never happen again.

He calls forth the power inside of him, the comforting emptiness that has been with him since he learned of the Quirk gene's secrets. Red lightning starts emanating from his body, a mirror of his once idol's Quirk, but with a whole other feel to it. It's not the Symbol of Peace's Quirk nor is it the Quirk of His arch-nemesis. This Quirk is something new, something never seen before, something negative.

He recalls the power back to himself, reminding himself that he should be patient, after all, he literally has all the time in the world inside this field. The field that isolated him from the destruction outside of it. In the field where his life's work comes to fruition, he calmly picks up his case and walks towards the portal, stopping just in front of it. He briefly takes a look around at his home for many, many years. Not a single part of him is going to miss this place.

As he stares into the portal, he takes a deep breath, then finally steps through into the other side.

The portal instantly closes after he passes, and immediately the field around the old laboratory disperses. Silence is all that is left.

Until an explosion suddenly engulfs the laboratory, this explosion spreads further, and further, until the long-dead world ceases to be.

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