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Mei Hatsume has never really had an interest in relationships.

For the longest time, every boy or girl she's ever known usually stayed away from her as they were put off by her eccentric personality, and she didn't care all that much that they weren't interested. She always thought that liking someone would just distract her from her real passion so she was just fine with staying single.

But then she meets Izuku Midoriya and suddenly, everything had flipped on its head.

She didn't immediately think much of him as a person the first time they met, she was more laser-focused on the amazing baby he made at UA's entrance exam. ASIA was just an amazing piece of technology that could change the world of science, and it came from a boy her age.

She of course just HAD to meet him, to see what else could he know and see what else he might be able to build in the future.

Then they started to talk with each other about their inventions, they started to hang out more and more until it finally hit Mei, she has a friend now.

It was nice, she couldn't remember ever having someone to relate to at such a level other than her parents.

But then she started to feel a little… different around him. She finds herself hooked whenever he started to get excited talking about some new idea he's thought of, she could feel a blush erupt from her face every time he complimented her, and she feels incredibly giddy every time they're close.

These were brand new feelings that she's never had to experience before.

Having her first crush.

Unfortunately, all her knowledge of Support Items doesn't help her at all with dealing with her new feelings. Though she was at least sure that Izuku (she still feels butterflies in her stomach when calling him that) liked her back to some extent (maybe 60% sure? 50%?).

But again, she has no idea what to do with it, he was just so cool!

And smart!

And funny!

And confident!

And cute!


"Mei? You ok there?"

She was brought out of her mild existential crisis at the sound of the boy in question. He was looking at her with an amused expression.

In the junk-infested Takoba Municipal Beach Park, if one were to look past all the trash that litter the once beautiful beach, one would find a large makeshift tent that's about 30 square meters that houses machines that were disassembled into pieces for parts. Several ripped apart blankets, towels, or curtains that are sewn together make up the roof of the tent and it's being held up by welded together poles.

Currently, Izuku and Mei were working on a robotic arm that's about 3 and a half feet long and bulky enough to contain other surprises inside, the internal wires being fixed in place by both students, but Izuku notices that Mei was a little distracted.

"Huh?" Was her intelligent reply.

He snickered at her response and she blushes in embarrassment (and because she likes it when he laughs).

"You seemed distracted about something, you thinking about the Sports Festival?" Izuku asks.

The Sports Festival?

Oh! The UA Sports Festival!

An Excuse!

"YES!" She answers way too loudly, seeing him flinch from the volume she lowers her voice back to normal. "Ahem, I mean yeah, just… excited to show off my babies on the big day."

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