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"Have you packed your notebooks Izuku?"

"Yeah, mom."

"Your handkerchief?"


"And ASIA will call me and the authorities if anything happens right?"


"Yes grandmother, if anything unfortunate were to happen to father, I will immediately send out a message to you and the authorities of father's location." ASIA's familiar robotic voice sounded out from his phone, but now it had a bit more emotion with it.

To Inko's knowledge, ASIA had been upgraded to be able to follow pre-programmed commands and to be able to think and feel for herself to an extent. She can do much more than that but his mother didn't need to know that.

"What about-"

"Mom," Izuku chuckled as he puts his hands on her shoulders to calm her down, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, it's just the support course, it's not like I'll be in any danger."

It was the month of April in Japan, the air was warm and it was the perfect time of year for tourists to come by. But most importantly, it was the first day of classes for the new 1st year students at UA High School.

This was the day that Izuku Midoriya starts his journey to becoming the greatest scientist in the world.

Or at least, that's how it would seem to everyone else.

He was already standing at the front of their door wearing the standard UA male uniform with his bag behind him, the uniform consists of a light gray blazer with dark turquoise trimmings over a white dress shirt and dress pants, along with a red tie. Despite the uniform coming with shoes, Izuku decided to swap them out with his signature red high tops with white soles and black laces.

Intellectually, he knows that the shoes he wears are ugly as hell.

Personally, he just doesn't give a damn.

He will fight whoever may tell him to get rid of them.

He was ready to leave, but in her classic motherly way, his mom had to quadruple-check everything to make sure that he wasn't forgetting anything. It was already impossible for him to forget anything, even before he had the nanites, but it was her job to worry anyway.

She looks at his confident smile, she sees no fear or anxiety in his expression. She takes a deep breath to calm herself down.

"I… I know Izuku, but you know that I can't help but worry about you."

His smile became softer at her admittance. "I know mom, but seriously, you have nothing to worry about. I'll be making inventions for heroes, I won't actually be in the field so I won't be in any danger."

Inko looked at him in the eyes, looking for any doubts about his path behind them. Even after all these months of showing her that he liked inventing, she still had a few reservations about whether or not he was doing this because he wanted to. On some quiet days, she would check on him, to see if he was still longing for his old dream, but she only sees him working on machines or talking with ASIA in their house now, occasionally still helping her with some chores.

But so far, she sees her only son genuinely enjoying his new hobbies and path. She sighs in acceptance and says "Alright."

"Izuku I… I just wanted to tell you that, I'm proud of you. You're going to do great things son."

Izuku's eyes briefly widen at her honest words.

'Positive feedback. Still not used to it.'

He blushed and scratched the back of his head, a slightly embarrassed chuckle escaping from him. "Hehe, aw-shucks mom. You don't have to tell me that." He then grins in a jokingly arrogant way. "Because I know I'll do great things."

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