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Time: 3:47 PM

Altitude: 8,098 Feet

Coordinates: 34°27'40.8"N 132°25'05.7"E

Thousands of feet in the air, far above the eyes of the people of Japan, 5 flying robots are traveling at very high speeds. The jet boosters on their feet leave behind white trails. They were positioned in a half triangle formation, if someone were to look up, they could be mistaken for jets that are putting on an air show.

But the show these creations are about to put on is not meant for the public, they're for the inventor.

Their scanners were currently linked with each other to monitor their location, direction, and relative speed. The lead one was looking ahead to watch out for any unforeseen obstruction crossing their flight path, the two on the sides were paying attention all around them to calculate their current position, and the last two middle ones were looking directly below them to see which city they are currently flying above.

Suddenly, they receive a signal inside their CPU and they stop flying forward, instead, they now begin to hover in place as they await another order. A few seconds pass and they receive another signal.


Their interfaces put various crosshairs on certain buildings and landmarks in the city underneath them.

The City of Hiroshima.


Then, in unison, they slowly start to hover down. Lowering down until they were around 50 feet above the buildings. The sound of their jets attracted the attention of the people below them. They were understandably confused and intrigued at the sight of robots just hovering in the air. They've never seen anything like them.

"What the heck are those?"

"Are they drones or something?"

"Mommy look! Flying action figures!"

"Honey, those aren't action figures."

"Maybe someone's testing them?"

"But why would they do that here?"

As the people questioned what the droids were and what they were doing, the area between their shoulder sockets and neck opened up, and a pair of small missile launchers rose and pointed at the buildings around them. Those with good eyesight saw what happened, and they could only say;

"Oh shit."

Missiles fired off the machines' shoulders, flying towards the buildings around them. Loud explosions erupted on impact as several missiles exploded stronger than that of C4. Parts of the buildings were immediately incinerated, broken glass and debris started falling toward the people below.

The bystander's reactions were instant, screams of panic and fear rang out into the streets, and calls for heroes spread among the populace as they ran away for their lives.

The 5 droids split up, two pairs breaking off into different directions, one pair East and another West, and one was left behind in the middle of the destruction.

The lone one dropped to the ground, looked at all the fleeing people, and raised its arms, the blasters on its wrists powering up with a hum.

Then it started blasting.

Left and right, people were being struck by yellow energy beams, knocking them away, causing major injuries, and even hitting their arms and legs, rendering them useless. Blood was being spilled on the streets and screams of pain were echoing out.

It was a full-on villain attack.

And like clockwork, the cavalry arrived.

From behind it, four strong impacts were delivered onto the droid's turned back, two were at its head and the others at the lower back. No damage was sustained but it got its attention. It whirled around to shoot at the attacker, it was a Pro Hero.

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