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When Naomasa Tsukauchi woke up this morning, he didn't think he'd be at UA investigating an attack, but that's just another day in the life of a detective.

He is a tall man with short, black hair and somewhat rectangular black eyes. He wears his signature tan overcoat and matching hat, underneath which he wears a suit, a green tie at his neck with matching slacks, and dress shoes.

Tsukauchi is a detective in the police force, he's currently working with the Musutafu branch on investigating the infiltration of the USJ that happened less than an hour ago. Police cars and buses made for transporting large numbers of villains to prison are parked outside the facility.

He's already done a headcount of the students, and thankfully none of them were harmed. The teachers' injuries were a bit more serious, though none of them were life-threatening to the relief of the students. The students are now being escorted back to the main UA campus and he's left Officer Sansa in charge of the rest of the investigation.

Though Tsukauchi's glad that no one got hurt severely on the attack, he's also very much considering taking a leave.

He's been stressed for the past few weeks with the constant streams of Pro Hero deaths that had been popping up much more often now than they had been in years. It was almost like every week another hero would be found with either a bullet hole through their skull or chopped up into pieces.

The two Villains responsible for these deaths have been very elusive, their works have only ever been found after the heroes targeted were already dead.

Lady Nagant and The Hero Killer.

Their body count had reached numbers unseen since All Might's debut, and a blanket of fear was slowly starting to envelop the people and heroes of Japan.

It was obvious that catching both of them was extremely important and dangerous, but for some reason, the HPSC had been putting more effort into catching Lady Nagant than the Hero Killer. Perhaps it was because she was a previous hero herself or maybe because she knows some kind of confidential information, but whichever the reason, it's above Tsukauchi's paygrade to know.

After all, he's no All Might or even a hero, he's just a detective.

Speaking of All Might.

'I should ask Toshinori about what he knows about the villains that escaped.'

Not many are aware, but Tsukauchi is one of the very, very, few people who know about All Might's true identity and secret. Not only that but the Detective is also one of All Might's closest friends, with Tsukauchi being Toshinori's main contact in the police force. He's a capable and accomplished detective.

But right now, he can be forgiven for being duped.

"Tsukauchi, sir!" He hears someone call him. The person is a male of average height and build, and he has black hair and brown eyes. Officer Akira Shourai is walking toward him.

"Officer Shourai." The Detective greeted the officer.

With a salute, the "officer" says his report. "We've searched the interior of the USJ and found no more villains present, the current tally is 71 villains in total and they're all being brought in with cuffs as we speak." He gestures towards the villains chained up into lines and being brought into the buses by the other cops while the rest were searching outside the USJ for anything else suspicious.

Tsukauchi nods in affirmation before asking a question. "Did you find anything dangerous in there?"

"Other than the weapons? Everything that could be dangerous in there is gone now."

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