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A smart guy isn't he?

He's perfect for the support course.

There was a palpable feeling of excitement and apprehension among the youths all across Japan. The Entrance Exam for the Hero Course in UA was just one day away. But before that, exams for the General Education and Department Management came first, that was yesterday. Now is the day for the Entrance Exam for the Support Course.

A long time ago, when Quirks started appearing more frequently in society, the comic book heroes that everyone once thought impossible then became a possibility in the real world, and in time they were accepted and the government allowed these brave individuals to do as they pleased.

But this decision presented a problem, becoming a hero isn't easy and when it became clear that becoming one was now possible, everyone wanted to be a part of it.

Especially the young and impressionable children.

This caused a massive increase in vigilante activity, people with more bravery than common sense throwing themselves into danger, thinking of themselves as glorified badasses, despite not having the skills, knowledge, or experience needed to fight. So what was the government's solution?

By looking at comic books and copying their solutions, namely with the laws and education.

For some reason, that was genuinely seen as a smart idea back then.

People were dumb back in the day.

Laws were put into place, banning the use of Quirks in a public setting unless it was for self-defense. This was implemented for two reasons, to dissuade people from using their powers recklessly that might cause harm to others, and to prevent any further attempts at vigilantism.

Then for those that truly wanted to do good, those that were willing to risk their lives for the sake of helping others, then Hero Licences were invented. Turning becoming a hero from a fantasy into a full paying job, complete with insurance, skilled attorneys, access to high-end modern facilities, equipment called Support Items, and much more. The ones that could obtain one of these weren't just heroes, they were Pro Heroes.

And one of the prerequisites of becoming a Pro Hero was to attend a Hero Academy, schools specifically made to train young men and women into capable heroes. Building up their skills, knowledge, and combat capabilities to be prepared for any danger that comes into society.

In the span of over a hundred years, thousands of these Hero Academies were implemented all across the globe, in every continent and country.

But in Japan, UA High School is special, in just a few decades after its creation, it climbed to one of the top Hero Schools, not just in the country, but the entire world. It taught all four curriculums that were now standard in society; Hero Course, Support Course, Department Management, and General Education, and it was exceptionally good in teaching all four.

It was the dream of many, many children to have the honor to attend this world-famous school to pursue their dreams. Because even if someone didn't enter UA with the intention of being a hero, being able to have in one's resume that they attended UA was already a massive boon for their future interviews.

So UA is one of the greatest schools in the world to attend for any child looking to take the next step to adulthood.

But none of that interests Midoriya, not anymore anyway.

'Feels weird to be here now. To me, this is the place where everything first went to shit.' Midoriya thought to himself. 'My choice to become a villain, the first time that All Might failed to save someone, and the deaths of nearly an entire class of hero students. It all started here.'

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