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It only took a few minutes, but Midoriya was back on his younger feet and was already walking home. He wouldn't want anyone to be suspicious of him literally minutes after his plan came into motion.

'This is the first and only time that I'd ever meld consciousness with another me, I only ever did this with empty-minded Nomu's and brainwashed husks of people. My younger consciousness instantly experienced all those years of being a villain, all of my experience and work, basically everything that I "would've been", hence turning him into that same person, if a little different, while I had to experience my childhood through my own memories all over again. It's a little jarring to have two sets of identical memories of my childhood, but I can live with it.'

While walking home though, he had time to think, ironically being what his younger mind had been doing before getting taken. He thought back to his plans along with the timeline of his past, he didn't usually do that because he had a lot of regrets and painful memories to dig through. Not when killing Bakugo though, no he'll treasure that memory forever, because sadly, for his plan for the future to work, the Bakugo in this timeline must live.

Fuck, he's still a little pissed off about that, doubly so that his nanites don't remove any hormones in this teenage body, since he didn't bother with that. Double fuck. Well, it doesn't matter, he can still piss Bakugo off by being a dick.

But back to the matter at hand, he knows what comes next, he's lived it, he studied his old memories extensively and put into detail everything that he might need to know so he could manipulate it all into what he wants.

Names, locations, plans, reactions of the public, and even the personalities of every single person of interest. He was not going to take chances, everything had to go exactly as he had planned.

His eyes look up from the ground and take in his surroundings, when he went back in time, he didn't really have the time to go sightseeing, he instantly had to go for his younger body and prevent All Might from even knowing of his existence until needed.

But now, on his way home, he could just take it all in, clean air, which he hadn't breathed in for decades, clear blue skies, a sight he hadn't seen in years even before he went underground, a few people just walking around, either going to work or going home, an impossibility back in the future, since everyone there was either dead, hiding, or were just wannabe heroes or villains trying to find some semblance of order in that desolate hellscape.

Now though? Now it's just a peaceful afternoon for almost everyone, he'd cry tears of joy if this body was capable of it, but the nanites in his brain instantly kill any emotion that becomes too strong in order to keep his mind clear.

(Good thing too, because every time he remembers his legendary crocodile tears, which he inherited from his mother, he wanted to bash his head against the nearest wall.)

His steps briefly falter at the thought of his mother.


Yes, he studied his own mother too, yet even with the nanites in his brain, he always feels… something inside him churn whenever he thinks about the mother he had lost. There were no biological changes to his body every time this happened, so the only explanation for this phenomenon is a spiritual reaction. Now there is no science backing this claim, and even with his incalculable intellect, he could not find any way to test it either, but if there is no definitive answer to be found, then the most unlikely culprit is probably the answer.

After all, he's met ghosts before, 8 of them in fact, who's to say that souls don't exist?

But that's enough theoretical questions about the possible paranormal nature of humanity, he's got more important matters to think about, namely about all the things that cannot be calculated, no matter how much he tries.

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