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Midoriya woke up from his dreamless sleep, thanking himself again, for coming up with the nanites that filter out any nightmares that would most definitely haunt him anytime he goes to sleep.

'You're welcome!' A voice in his head tells him.

'Oh right, multiple consciousnesses, I almost forgot about that.'

'Wait, were you sleeping? We don't need to do that anymore, remember?'

'What? You're saying that just because we don't need to sleep, it doesn't feel fucking amazing anyway?'


He gets up from his bed and stretches as his other consciousness delivers the memories of his progress.

The nanites currently residing in both of their bodies had been one of his greatest inventions to date, (well, future date) possibly even in history. They were essentially billions of tiny computers, with built-in instructions to integrate themselves into anything with memory, whether it be in a CPU, DNA, a human brain, or all three at once if the thing injected with them was some kind of cyborg.

Then, they essentially increase the effectiveness of everything inside their host, and give the nanites access to information from the brain and follow its instructions. This basically allows the host to control every single cell in their body without having to memorize their location since the nanites do all the work.

They empower the brain's processing speed as well, allowing the person injected with them a vast increase in intelligence and memory, the DNA inside them can also be manipulated into doing anything the brain can think of, allowing them to regenerate from practically any damage, strengthen muscles and bones, and even change eye, hair, and skin color for disguises.

It was only the later improvements that allowed the nanites to carry a copy of his memories, consciousness, and strands of DNA for his quirk, and safely inject them into another person or computer.

Though all this near impossible marvel of science was known only to him and his extra bodies. The ability to connect his signals between the nanites on different bodies, allowing for technopathic communication and memory sharing was something he also implemented for quiet intel sharing.

Was it dangerous? Yes.

Was it worth it? Absolutely.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he is now currently the smartest mind in the world.

'Oh, by the way, how are things with mom?'

He mentally sighed as he sent his memories of last night's events, the churn in his body became so strong when he heard his mother's voice that he had to pump serotonin into his brain to calm down and act natural. Thankfully his mother didn't notice anything odd, and just accepted the happiness he showed her all throughout the night.

'Oof, that must've been tough.'

'It doesn't matter, she's completely ignorant to the change so we're safe from her figuring anything out.'

'Alright, if you say so, what do we do to pass the time? Right now I'm just waiting for my debut with nothing else to do, I've already set up our base, and made sure it could never be found. I could have fun with our newest guest, but we kinda need him to be relatively "human-like" don't we?'

'Yes we do, but if you do get bored, just make sure to change your appearance when going out.'

'Duh, I could have figured that out even if you cut my IQ in half.'

'Pretty sure we'd still be smarter than anyone else in the world if we did that.'

'Obviously. Well good luck with mom, I'm gonna go scout out our mutual "friends" for now.'

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