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Izuku 2 graduates to first name basis and becomes the new lord and savior for the Support Course, a dry-eyed teacher is tired, and an "Unforeseen" attack occurs.

This comes as no surprise to any one of her new classmates in UA, but Hatsume really, really liked Midoriya.

It was pretty obvious from the start ever since she pleaded (demanded really) that she'd become Vice Representative with the argument that the both of them had already worked together before, and Midoriya seemed to already have a grasp on Hatsume's personality and on how to handle her so it did seem like the most logical choice.

But they could also easily tell that Hatsume just loved spending time with Midoriya. She practically sticks by him every single moment that she could, she's pretty touchy with him too, always jumping on his back with a hug, grabbing his arms to lead him around, and always asking him for validation on her inventions.

It was the most obvious case of puppy love that they had ever seen.

So, they threw her a bone and voted her to be the Vice Representative.

And boy were they glad they made that decision.




"Oh man, what did you do this time?"

Because Hatsume is now showing everyone why Midoriya sticks around her every time she tries to invent something. 7 times out of 10, whatever she invents will be very volatile and prone to exploding, and no one has to tell them that setting off explosions can be very dangerous to one's health. (Except for Hatsume apparently, because she somehow was able to build up a tolerance for them over the years. She now suffers no damage from them even if they blew up point-blank in her face.)

Normally someone with a reputation for explosions in the Support Course would be a very poor choice for Vice Representative. But this is a rare case indeed. Because now that she has a reason to spend a lot of time with Midoriya, he always has an opportunity to keep an eye on her and her inventions, to either prevent further explosions or to just warn everyone else when to stay away.

Midoriya really is a true Hero for the Support Course.

*Cough* *Cough*

Said Hero was currently waving away the smoke residue from Hatsume's recent blunder.

*Cough* "Alright, what was the problem this time?"

Hatsume, while covered in soot but otherwise completely unharmed somehow, merely shrugged and answered.

"Just a little miscalculation in the voltage."

'A little!?' Everyone, including the professor, thought at the same time.

"Hatsume, this is the third explosion you've caused TODAY. I thought I already told you to slow down and complete one invention at a time." The professor scolded her.

"Aww, but Professor! Progress doesn't start slow!"

"That's exactly how it should be Hatsume."

She ignores him. "Progress should be light speed! Why would I waste time trying to complete 1 baby when I could do 10?"

Power Loader rubs his forehead to massage off the headache that's already becoming a staple in his time as a teacher this year.

Meanwhile, behind other machines and flipped desks, the other students in the Support Course peaked out from behind cover when Midoriya said, "Ok everybody, the worst has come to pass you can come out now."

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