Baby Izuku

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“Where is he?” Katsuki's voice thundered as he stormed through the main entrance of their dorm, worry bleeding out of his words. He had been worried since he got the message from Shouto while he was patrolling, saying Izuku had been hit with a strange quirk while they were trying to separate a fight in front of a school.

Bakugou immediately pressed the call button, and even though Shouto guaranteed he was okay and that they were taking him back to UA, that wasn’t enough for Katsuki. No, he needed to see him. Besides, his shift was almost over anyway, so fuck that.

 He rushed back to the agency, got changed, and exploded his way back to UA. Never mind that it was maybe a bit far for that, and a train ride would have been more comfortable, he just didn’t have time for that. He had gotten to UA in 20 minutes, and he was taking the first step on the stairs leading to the entrance when he heard it.

A desperate loud cry came from the open window. Katsuki had urged past the last steps into the door, nearly tearing the door off its hinge. “Shhhh, Bakugou!” Momo chastised as he walked into the living room. “You’ll only make it worse!”Katsuki really didn’t bother providing her with an answer, too busy focusing on the (almost comical) scene before him. 

Aizawa was looking absolutely distressed by the loud cry of the baby in his arms; All Might was desperately shaking his arms in front of him, chanting, “Oh, no, no, no! Sorry, young Midoriya, please don’t cry! Shh, please!”; Shouto was pacing back and forth with one finger in his ear trying to quiet the noise, while he held his phone against his ear with the other hand; and the rest of the class shying away in the background trying not to interfere while being visibly entranced by little Izuku. Because, fuck, Izuku… He was tiny. Barely two years old, he guessed.

Katsuki too was mesmerized by the little being that he was, even if all he could see was a puff of hair from that angle. But then another painfully sad cry came and that brought Katsuki back to himself. “Give him to me!” Katsuki stepped forward.Aizawa snapped his head to him and frowned. Katsuki knew what he was thinking. He knew what everyone in that room was thinking. Bakugou? Be trusted with a baby? No. No, thank you. He hated babies, or at least that’s what it looked like. He can barely interact with kids older than 5, that can talk and be their own person. But babies? There wasn’t a baby that hasn’t cried in his arms.But this wasn’t a baby. This was Izuku.So he ignored Aizawa’s doubt and the class’ surprise and stepped even closer, only now being able to take a good look at Izuku.

Katsuki’s chest ached as he stared at something out of Inko’s wall photographs.“Hey! Hey there, buddy!” He cooed to Izuku, announcing his presence before gently reaching under his arms and taking him. Aizawa grunted, but gave in, giving Izuku willingly. “Hey, shh, it’s okay! It’s okay!” Katsuki hugged him under his backside and around his back, pressing him close to his chest.Izuku was so tiny in his arms, weighing close to nothing, and he was the most precious thing Katsuki has ever held in his hands. “It’s okay, Zuku, it’s okay.” Katsuki rocked his tiny body up and down. He gave him tiny pats on his back. “I know you’re scared, but it’s going to be okay,” Katsuki leaned his head over his curls. His hair was so much softer than it was now, and he smelled like the morning breeze in the summer.

Katsuki closed his eyes, inhaling that scent and imprinting it in his memory.Little by little, the crying lessened, and along with it, the weight in his arms grew heavier. He thought it was because he was carrying Izuku for too long now, but then-“I want mom,” Izuku cried, holding onto Katsuki’s shirt. 

Katsuki snapped his head back, opening his eyes. Before him, was no longer the small child he held before. No, Izuku grew. He must be around 3 or 4 now. He looked to the side, looking to anyone who could give him an explanation.But before anyone could give him one, Izuku spoke again, his lips wobbling “I want my mom.”Katsuki brought back his gaze to “I know, I know. But she can’t be here right now. But I am, okay? I’m right here for you and I’m not gonna go away. Here, look at me,” Katsuki leaned back a bit, allowing Izuku's distressed little face to look at him. God, it hurt to see him like that. Eyes red and puffy, nose running and his little pout trembling. “Do you know who I am?” He prompted.

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