De-Aged: For it to Rain Again

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If Katsuki could fight the rain, trust him, he would. That was how much he hated it.

Not only was it wet, loud, and cold, it was getting in the way of his perfect plans.

To him, those clouds and winds spelled nothing but trouble. And when it finally rained, he knew it wasn’t going to be a drizzle, especially with the thunder roaring like that.

With a cheek nestled on his palm, Katsuki pouted as he stared at the window, listening to the endless pitter-patter, hoping that it would stop. A sight of yellow, red, and blue caught his eyes.

There it was, dangling against the window—the All Might fine weather doll that he and Izuku made yesterday.

“Oi, do your thing All Might. Make it stop,” Katsuki demanded, poking it with his other hand.

But the rain went on without any restraints, seemingly getting stronger and heavier with each hour.

Katsuki huffed and looked at his drawing. It was supposed to be a gift but ever since the downpour, the excitement to finish it as soon as possible left him. Even the All Might-shaped cookies by his side that he intentionally saved for later were left untouched.

The rain was such a mood killer.

He tried picking up the crayon again and got papers so he could draw something else to pass the time. But while coloring, the curly mop of green hair on his new piece made him pause.

All it did was make him miss the warmth of the sun on his skin. Of the vast forest where he laughed freely and ran as fast as he could while Izuku chased him.

It reminded him of the moments when it was just him and Izuku against the world.

The only thing that kept Katsuki motivated today was Izuku’s arrival later. But it seemed that he was likely going to be late.

Katsuki glanced at the clock and clicked his tongue when he realized it was almost 4 in the afternoon and Izuku wasn’t here yet like he promised. It was as if the rain kept him from coming over to his room like Izuku always did after their nursery classes. And maybe the rain did.

The rain really ruined everything.

“Stupid Deku. Shitty rain.”

He looked up at the sky again when he heard the thunder rumble, followed by a quick flash of lightning.

The day had been beautiful with clear blue skies yet all it took was dark clouds to obscure it.

He accounted for everything. He even endured listening to the boring news with a gloomy yellow worm to ensure that everything would go well. It said that today would be sunny.

Yet all it took was a sudden rain and everything was already falling to pieces.

Idiots. They couldn’t even do their job right.

Izuku pinky promised him that they would watch the new All Might movie after his classes. Katsuki thought that Izuku would be more bummed out because of the rain.

And with that thought, an idea struck him.

The rain came out of nowhere. He recalled the time Izuku would come back after he just left their house because he forgot his toy. He even forgot his bag once.

Izuku probably—no.

Katsuki knew for sure that Izuku forgot his umbrella. 

“Stupid Deku always forgets his things.”

With his mind made up, he had a new agenda for today. A mission of sorts. One that invigorated him more than the initial plans he had.

Katsuki took it upon himself to bring an umbrella for Izuku.

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