Villain Bakudeku Version 2

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In the end, it didn’t take much for Katsuki and Izuku to go to the dark side. Their past selves would have been appalled, maybe even disgusted at their actions over the last couple of years. But neither Katsuki nor Deku really cares that much about who they were back then, because back then they were kept on a leash by the adults in their lives and constantly put in danger despite being children. Heroes have never been particularly moral, Endeavor being the obvious example but not the only one. Katsuki will always remember the sludge villain, when not a single hero stepped up to save him, and the sports festival when heroes chained him, humiliated him, left him to have a panic attack without a care in the world. Katsuki will never forget learning about how Izuku was given a quirk at fourteen and with it the unbearable burden of the world. How Izuku was tossed around by the people in charge like some kind of robotic soldier fit to their whims.

Really, the catalyst was inevitable.

Katsuki remembers it like it was yesterday. Towards the end of their first year in UA they had another hero training exercise, which was supposed to be business as usual. And in a way, it was. They had to rescue dummies from a collapsing building that had, in the simulation, just been hit by an earthquake. Still young and impressionable, Katsuki and Deku had rushed in to try and save everyone they could. Neither of them had anticipated just how dangerous it would get, but they really should have. In their first final exam, they almost died. They had a training simulation where they were flooded underground and could have actually died had they not escaped in time. And the teachers planned that.

So it was really no surprise when the building, which was shaky but not expected to fully fall down on them because they would all die, decided to come apart. Beams came loose and the ceiling above them started to collapse, and Katsuki and Deku had been right above it at the time. The ceiling was about to crash down on them right in front of their eyes, and Deku had no choice but to activate One for All at almost full power to hold the entire ceiling above his head. Katsuki’s quirk was basically useless, and they didn’t have Uraraka’s quirk to make the ceiling weightless, so all Katsuki could do was try to alleviate the weight on Deku. But even Katsuki’s arms, with all their training, couldn’t help Deku that much. And in their final moments, Deku was trembling, about to break, about to faint on the floor with the ceiling crushing him to death, and Katsuki wasn’t going to let that happen.

His body moved on its own.

He’d pushed Deku out of the way and let the ceiling fall on him. He’d sacrificed himself for Deku without a second thought, and to this day Katsuki doesn’t regret it. Deku’s screams will haunt him for the rest of his life, but he will never regret it. He survived anyway, somehow, but not without his fair share of injuries. Katsuki will never know how he managed not to break his back; he got away with amputations and broken ribs. He’s got one prosthetic leg and one prosthetic arm. His quirk only works on one hand, now, which was one of the biggest losses Katsuki has ever suffered. It took him months to grapple with the loss of half his quirk power, and then the minute he’d accepted it and become discharged from the hospital, UA informed him that he was no longer able to participate in the hero course. He’d lost too much power to be able to continue on the hero track.

The hero course’s reckless, far too dangerous training exercises had done this to Katsuki; and not only did they refuse to take credit, but they basically expelled him.

Deku quit not too long after.

Katsuki’s friends told him to sue, but him and Deku had different ideas. Better ideas. Hero society was fucked up, and they needed to dismantle it from head to toe.

“I won’t let your sacrifice go to waste,” Deku had told Katsuki, once, “you sacrificed yourself and suffered so much and it’s all for me, and I have to do something for you in return. I’ll get justice for you, Kacchan. I’ll make this right, I swear to you.”

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