Christmas Special: A Christmas Miracle

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Katsuki's heart skipped a beat, he was hesitant – but would he ever get a chance like this again?

It was Christmas Eve, the class having packed up and gone off to their own homes for Christmas Day; Katsuki would leave soon too, except he was waiting for someone.

Izuku's obliviousness was not his fault, but Katsuki's; How was Izuku to know there was a gift awaiting him when all Katsuki ever was... was a Grinch.

But even The Grinch had a soft spot for Christmas cheer, even he could be lonesome at times, and in the end, The Grinch only ever wanted to make things right - to be loved by those who had every right to hate him.

"Deku," Katsuki started but had no follow-up, "…here – take it you shit nerd." he blasted the gift at Izuku's bewildered face.

Izuku was too stunned to muster a chuckle at Katsuki's childish antic, for in his hands now lay a perfectly wrapped present, "Is this… for me?" he dared to hope.

Katsuki deadpanned, "Who else." he shrugged Izuku's excitement off, though his ears flared in embarrassment as the other tentatively opened it, Katsuki's heart racing.

What would Katsuki do if Izuku hated it? What if… Izuku hated him?

Izuku gasped, his eyes welling up, "This is…" choked up by a sob, "t-thank you." he hiccupped.

Izuku shaky as he held the golden card, a measly piece of cardboard, yet it meant the world to him - and Katsuki, it seemed.

When they were little, the two had been fortunate enough to come across a limited-edition trading card of All Might, both of them; The chances were extraordinary, it could only be seen as a sign of greatness.

Izuku didn't think Katsuki believed in such wives' tales, but to have held onto it all this time… meant everything to Izuku.

Katsuki shuffled, awkward but relived, he wanted Izuku to know just how much it meant to him that they could get along now; That Izuku could forgive Katsuki even after all the terrible things he'd done… but that wasn't all he was trying to tell Izuku.

"…You missed this," Katsuki swallowed thickly as he moved in closer, guiding Izuku's scarred hand towards the small green leaf stuck to the wrapping, "It's… mistletoe." he hushed, dangling the ornament in front of Izuku's bright eyes, that shone at the sudden confession.

In the past, Izuku would think Katsuki pulling his leg, for his lackeys to jump around the corner laughing historicity… but not this time, at least Izuku hoped, and that was more than enough to take the risk.

"Kacchan…” Izuku sniffled, going cherry red, he admired Katsuki to the point one might say he was obsessive… this was different though, Izuku couldn't help but feel flattered, if not a bit dreary.

For so long, Katsuki had been a pain in Izuku's arse, but now, now he was tough but fair.

Izuku never would have imagined things would take a turn for romance; It was… a Christmas miracle.

"Izuku…" Katsuki leaned in, his fringe brushing Izuku's speckled cheek, "I, I like you… please, go out with me."

Katsuki went rigid, he would only ever allow Izuku to see him like this, soft and pathetic, but it was his truth; Even if Izuku said no, it was okay because now they could truly move on and become great heroes together.

Izuku pulled back slightly, Katsuki visibly dropping, "Katsuki…" he spoke quiet like a mouse, reaching out, placing his hands on Katsuki's chest, and moving back in.

A pink hue as Izuku nervously places his lips on Katsuki's cheek before whispering back, "I… like you too."

Izuku's heart was about to burst when Katsuki embraced him, sighing softly, Izuku chuckling at the sweet reaction.

Katsuki shone, he had dared to hope, but he hadn't actually thought… it was a Christmas miracle.

"Merry Christmas Deku." Katsuki mumbled into Izuku's curls, 'I love you.' he thought as he gently held onto Izuku, he was never letting go again.

Izuku hummed, patting Katsuki's golden locks, Izuku would forever remember Katsuki's brave gesture, but he would always treasure Katsuki's love; Izuku was unable to fathom what would have been if not for the silly little card, glad to have known how dear he was to Katsuki's heart, "Happy holiday's Kacchan."


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