No Quirks AU Version 1

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Bakugou should’ve known better than to listen to Deku when he showed up outside of his window talking about an adventure date, but his best friend turned boyfriend is nothing if not convincing.

Plus he’s fighting with the hag again about something or other and it would be the perfect slap in the face for her grounded son to go adventuring or whatever it was the nerd said, and it’s not like Auntie Inko actually paid attention to what the hell Deku got into so he wouldn’t get in trouble on that front.

“Yeah sure, what the hell it’s not like I’ve got anything to do around this shit hole.” Deku beamed at him, and off they went. Trailing through familiar alleys and streets until they came upon an abandoned building, at which Midoriya cheerfully said, “Just a little longer now Kaachan!”

Past the building they waded through a bit of forestry before stumbling upon an overgrown clearing with a building smack dab in the center holding up a decrepit sign that read ‘Mustafu Wildlife Research Facility’.

Bakugou had to admit, it was pretty fucking cool, a relatively medium sized building in comparison to most zoo’s he’d ever seen but that was probably because it wasn’t a zoo.

“C’mon, It’s even better inside!” They jogged up the steps and through the entrance and Katsuki was immediately hit with the smell of the mustiness of time mixed with something sharper, almost chemical in nature.

Ignoring it, he reoriented and looked around, some of the emergency lights were still working, an eerie blueish green glow cast on the disarray that was the inside of the building. Probably solar powered if they were still on and functioning, the facility looked like it had been abandoned for years.

They held hands as they walked through the place in awe at all of the displays, most of them were empty but it was still fun to see the enclosures the animals who stayed there would’ve called home.

Then they saw it, they hadn’t bothered to enter any hallways or side doors for fear of getting lost but they hadn’t needed to. There smack dab in the middle of the far wall at the end of the hall was an absolutely enormous exhibit.

Hurriedly, they scurried over to it to get a closer look and nearly shit themselves when they discovered it was occupied. Floating right in front of their face was a great white shark, creepily bobbing, maw perpetually open as unseeing eyes stared at them.

Deku screamed, honestly Katsuki couldn’t blame him but he still hit him on the arm for scaring him a second time. He whispered harshly for him to shut the fuck up. There was something about the place that just felt wrong to speak too loudly in. Even Katsuki, as vocal as he was, hadn't raised his voice once since they entered.

“I didn’t realize this was back here, I only walked as far as the platypus exhibit when I came before.” Deku said lightly. Reaching forward he glided his hand across the foggy glass pane of the tank, mesmerized.

Then Katsuki realized several things at once.

One, the weird chemical smell he first noticed had gotten stronger the further in the building they got, the closer to the tank they got. Two, The tank was small , like not big enough to house a shark let alone a great white. He could be wrong and it could expand behind the wall or something but from what he could see there’s no way a living shark could have thrived enough for study in that little ass tank.

Three, if the shark is already in the tank the tank couldn’t house a living shark. That means logically, the shark was dead when it got in there.

Immediately, Katsuki grabs Midoriya by the back of his collar and yanks him away from the exhibit. He switches grips to his ear and continues dragging the other boy out the building when he starts to protest.

“I swear your stupid habit of touching shit without thinking is gonna get us killed one day, That whole tank was leaking, dipshit.” He reaches out with his other hand to smack at Midoriya when he starts muttering, “Don’t, touch your face right now dumbass we don’t know what the fuck is on your hand.”

Deku stammers an apology and reaches out with his uncontaminated hand to pull Katsuki along until they’re in another clearing, rife with flowers and basking in the sun.

Silently, Deku unpacks his backpack and lays out a picnic blanket along with some water bottles and store bought sandwiches. Bakugou snatches up one of the bottles and overturns it on the younger boy's hand.

He nods his head to the side, “Go rub it on some grass and then come back.” Midoriya listens obediently, pouring more water on it and then rustling it around in the weeds to try and get it as clean as possible without soap. When he’s done he wipes it on his pant leg and sits down next to Katsuki on the blanket.

“Kaachan, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would be like that. I didn’t know that was back there.” Deku sniffles.

Katsuki sighs, “Chill out, you’re fine, the date was still cool until I realized that our likelihood of getting cancer was going up by the damn second. Plus this field is pretty nice too, all in all not that bad.”

Midoriya gives a watery smile at that, he plucks up one of the coneflowers nearby and tucks it behind Katsuki’s ear with a laugh, “I’m glad.”

The blush that spreads across Katsuki’s face should be criminal, he surges up and kisses his dumb, nerdy boyfriend who can’t keep his hands to himself. He feels like a disney princess making out in a field of flowers with literal butterflies filling the air around them. Everything is perfect and a hand snakes into the front of his pants as they lean back onto the blanket.

Then he feels burning, His eyes are still closed and he is begging, begging for it not to be what he thinks it is. “Please tell me you didn’t just put your formaldehyde covered hand on my pussy.”

Deku pauses, and then yanks his hand out of Katsuki’s pants, “Um”.

“I’m going to fucking kill you.”


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