Omegaverse: Chained

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When Izuku comes to, he feels he was squashed by Mt. Lady, and then promptly drug behind the bullet train at top speeds. He cracks an eye open and hisses at the bright light assaulting his vision. Based on the acrid smell of antiseptic and the lingering scent of peppermint lip balm and summer fruit, he guess that Recovery Girl is somewhere near.

“Ah Young Midoriya, it seems you’ve regained consciousness” Recovery Girl’s sweet voice chimes from next to him “How are you feeling?” she asks

“Like I broke all my bones” he says honestly, voice hoarse from the screaming he did in the recent match

Recovery Girl looks at him sternly “You did break your bones Midoriya” she scolds, her summer fruit scent taking on a rotten stench as she grows irritated “You did permanent damage this time young man, and I will not stand idle by as you destroy yourself”

Izuku feels properly admonished, he always feels like his mother is scolding him when Recovery Girl gets onto him like this. If he had a tail it would be safely tucked between his legs.

“I’m sorry ma’am, I wanted to win and help Todoroki… but I see now that I have so much more growing to do before I can try any more stunts like that” he concedes, embarrassment coloring his pale cheeks.

“Yes you do, and I won’t be healing you again if you keep acting recklessly like that. You might want to think about that the next time you think you can destroy your body all willy-nilly!” She huffs, making her way to the door.

As she leaves Izuku catches the muttered end of her sentence “-got to go find Toshinori, I oughta give that boy a piece of my mind”, he feels significant fear for what’s in store for All Might when Recovery Girl gets her hands on him. Not his circus, not his monkeys though, so he’ll stay out of that one.

Now that he’s finally alone, he gets a chance to survey the damage for the first time. The new, pink scars marring his hands give him pause, he knows that once he sees the damage… it’s game over. Izuku is planning his funeral now, complete with white lilies and a decorative All Might ice sculpture (it’s not tacky, it’s his funeral, back off!).

Well, he can’t hide out in here for the rest of the festival, besides, he wants to see how his friends and mate have been fairing. Even if said mate might be ready to string him up by his toes once he sees the damage to his body… wait, why was he even thinking of leaving the safety of this room again?

The stiffness and soreness in his arms and legs become apparent when he stands up, thank god for Recovery Girl, otherwise, he’d be laid up in bed for a month after the stunt he pulled. He nearly crawls to the door before he sees the crutch she left for him leaning up against the bedside. He should really send Recovery Girl a muffin basket… or maybe write her a heartfelt thank you note.

It takes a little longer than normal, but he finally makes his way back up to the stands where his classmates are sitting and observing the final few matches of the festival.

Uraraka notices him first “Oh hey Deku! Man, those injuries looked pretty nasty, are you okay to be up and walking?” Her sweet scent of strawberry mochi curls around him comfortingly, it almost makes him want to purr. Luckily he holds that embarrassing urge in.

“Mhm” he nods “Recovery fixed me up the best she could, so I’m fine”, he might be fine, but he’s nowhere near okay if the small, pained grunt he lets out when he makes contact with the stadium seats is anything to go by.

“So” he says, wincing lightly “What did I miss?”

Some of his classmates look at him wearily, most likely wondering if he should even be out of the infirmary at all, but he ignores their questioning gazes.

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