First Times

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Izuku laid on Katsukis dorm floor kicking his feet nonchalantly as he focused on the school notebook filled with study material in front of him.

While in the corner of his eye, his boyfriend decided to switch out of his day clothes into something more comfortable for the night.

Izuku chewed on the end of the pencil as his green eyes followed each muscle flex of the blond boy's arms as he took off his shirt, exposing that hard porcelain back filled with scars.

Katsuki threw his shirt in the hamper leaving him and his tits exposed. He faced away from Izuku to search for one of his many black shirts in his closet to put on instead.

Izuku followed the other boy's movement as proceeded to put on the other shirt, sadly wishing he would just keep it off. But luck was on his side as Katsuki started to strip his pants. Izuku felt his cheeks blush up to his ears.

Sure Izuku has seen him change in the locker rooms and the sana in his full naked glory but he never wanted to look, a room full of boys he was just way too shy to sneak a glance in chances of getting caught.

The green boy's eyes widened slightly as the pants fully came off. And oh my gods those calf’s-

“You gonna keep eye-fucking me or what?” The rough voice rattled out, taking Izuku by surprise.

Izukus eyes shot up to meet red ones. There was a second of silence before the greenete spoke “mm maybe?”

He did NOT mean to say that out loud. Curse his brain.

Izuku gasped as he covered his mouth and looked back down at the paper. He hoped his curls would cover his face as he wanted to hide forever in embarrassment, he couldn’t believe he said that.

Him and Katsuki haven’t done anything more than a simple kiss here and there. Not even with tongue! They were both dancing around each other going further and here Izuku is blatantly flirting away about his naked body.

“Oh yeah?” He heard Katsuki say, knowing that a smirk is definitely covering his pretty face.

Izuku heard shuffling of feet get closer to him. Bravely he peeked through his curls, only to be met with a man (who finally had sweats on) who sat next to him with his face so close to his.

Izuku let out an eep as he sat up. “I- well I didn’t mean to say that, NO! I definitely did but like in my head you know? You’re so, you know hot! I just accidentally splurged it out, I’m so sorry-“ a clammy hand slaps over Izuku's mouth.

“Stop nerd” Katsuki says softly. Izuku still isn’t used to how the blond started talking to him so softly since the war. With tenderness and care in his voice.

Izuku is still blushing when he takes the hand away. “Well Kacchan is just-“ he gets cut off again by Katsuki “Hot?” He finished the sentence for him.

Izuku sheepishly smiled as Katsuki leaned in closer to reach his ear, “it’s okay, I’ll let you look” he whispered as his hot breath hit the inside of Izuku's ear.

“Oh” Izuku shivered. They slowly inched back from each other so they could stare at one another’s faces, but it didn’t last long as they both inches forward once more until their lips met. Again just a small kiss.

But they both know how each other's bodies work, both wanted more.

They both stopped the kiss only to go back for more, but a tad stronger. The mouths were slightly more open, not enough for tongues to be invited but just enough to feel the hot breaths.

Izuku reached for the thick arms of his boyfriend, slightly squeezing him. Afraid he’ll just up and leave and change his mind about this entire ordeal.

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