Quirk Accident (Cuddles)

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An itchy pull under Katsuki's skin, the compulsion to cuddle was overwhelming. He'd gotten hit with a quirk on patrol, which he's sort of accepted as a par for the course at this point in his life. He hasn't even graduated yet, but Katsuki's come to accept that he's going to be a part of a major quirk incident at least twice a year.

But Katsuki didn't want to cuddle any damn extra, and the fucker who did this to him said there were very specific conditions for Katsuki's cuddlee, 'You've gotta cuddle the person who means the most to you.' He remembered the man's words, and Katsuki knew that his cuddlee was gonna be no one other than his favorite shitty nerd.

Yeah, you heard him right. Katsuki loved Deku. The nerd was ridiculously adorable and honestly the bestest friend/rival/future hero partner/hopefully future boyfriend and husband that Katsuki could ever hope to ask for. But that didn't make the urge to cuddle him any less embarrassing. Honestly, it might make it moreso.

He smirked internally about the fact that him sneaking up behind Izuku didn't activate his friend's Danger Sense and unapologetically hugged Deku from behind. As expected, Izuku jumped out of his skin and tried to turn to see his attacker-but Katsuki was clinging to him like a koala and wasn't planning on letting go.

However, Katsuki had a very distinct scent, so in no time at all Izuku hesitantly asked, "Kacchan?"

The question just made Katsuki nuzzle further into Deku's neck, he sighed contently before grousing, "Who the fuck else, shit nerd?"

Katsuki's heart warmed hearing Izuku's chuckle as he asked, "And I'm sure I'm getting this hug because I'm the most plus ultra hero partner you could ask for, right?"

Katsuki hid his warm cheeks in Deku's shoulder blades and grumbled fondly, "'Plus ultra hero partner'? You're an idiot, and...no. I got in a fucking quirk accident or whatever-and I need cuddles."

"Need as in you'll be hurt if you don't have them?" Deku asks with a stupid worried tone in his voice.

Katsuki scowls, "Basically. But it's fine because I'm milking all the cuddles I need outta you! Ya' gotta problem, nerd?!"

"Oh no, Kacchan! Never! I was just wondering about the constraints of the quirk is all. Uhhh...do you...maybe...wanna find somewhere more comfortable than standing in the middle of the hallway?"

The mention of moving makes Katsuki squeeze tighter for a moment before he shifts from clinging to Deku's waist to clinging to Deku's arm. "Fuck yeah. We can watch movies in my room. I got a rom-com I wanna watch, and I'm sure you've been dying to watch that stupid FatGum biopic that came out yesterday."

Katsuki smirks at Deku's blush, snuggling closer to the other as he stumbles through his next sentence, "That-that you...would be awesome, Kacchan. When's the-when's the quirk supposed to wear off again?"

"Within the week," Katsuki hummed, leaning his head on Deku's shoulder, "why?"

"Hngh, Kacchan is just..." Deku's voice gets smaller to the point it's almost inaudible, "very cute when he's so clingy."

Unknowingly squeezing tighter, Katsuki stares intently at Deku, "Cute?"

Deku blushes brightly but replies, "Mmm...yeah...really cute."

Katsuki swears that his heart is gonna burst as they reach the door of his room and he opens it, "Well...you're...really cute too...I guess."

This causes Deku to laugh and readjust his arm so he's hugging Katsuki against him with an arm around the blonde's shoulder. "Can we still cuddle even after this quirk has worn off?"

Katsuki looks up at the nerd and scowls, "Nerd, if you don't take me on a date after this has worn off, I'm gonna kill you." Deku gives him a fond exasperated look that causes fireworks to erupt in his soul, "Also yes, we're obviously gonna cuddle every night. Who the fuck do you take me for, hah?!"

Deku hums contently before scooping Katsuki up bridal style. The dumb nerd chuckles at Katsuki's surprised yelp before whispering in Katsuki's ear, "So every night starts tonight, huh?"

Katsuki scowls and bites Deku's neck for his stupid games, but in reality he's hiding his massive blush from the nerd. However, he cannot banish the fond tone of his voice when he harshly whispers back, "Duh, idiot. Now, take me to bed."


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