Mrs. Midoriya?

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Midoriya Izuku started work in Endeavor Inc. on a Thursday, and as always, any change within the organization was bound to make waves throughout all the employees.

And none felt the boat rocking quite as much as the Sales Department, where Midoriya was going to be a part of from now on as the company’s business analyst.

Midoriya Izuku, at first glance, was seemingly plain. Wild, dark green curls, framing an absurdly youthful-looking, freckled-scattered face, with a burnt orange stud earring in one ear. He smiled easily, cheerful and slightly nervous as he introduced himself, but he had an aura of warmth and approachability that was difficult to resist.

But that was where the normality ended. His dark gray suit, partnered with a collared shirt that was as vividly viriscent as his eyes and a strikingly bright red tie, was unexpectedly stylish, tapering his surprisingly lean, muscular form like a well-worn glove. It wasn’t as obvious when he had the entire work office ensemble on, but more than a few girls ogled their new colleague after seeing him being shown around the office floor without his suit jacket on, showing off the curves and lines of his biceps and chest that were perfectly encased in soft-looking green fabric. His waist was lean, cinched flawlessly by a brown belt with a silver buckle, and his legs were just as godlike as his torso, thighs just shy of bulging underneath his tailored, perfectly fitted slacks.

It was almost unfair, that a cute-looking, babyfaced man like him had the body of a total hunk, but the people inside the company certainly weren’t complaining about their newest eyecandy as Midoriya was taken to all the common areas and meeting rooms.

Midoriya had deep scars on his right hand, which apparently extended to the entirety of his arm. His hobbies included reading comics books and collecting merchandise (a huge fan of the Plus Ultra universe, and its most famous superhero, All Might), practicing muay thai, and hiking (which was how he got his arm injuries in the first place, according to him). He was apparently working as a consultant for multiple companies the moment he graduated (from the Yuuei University, the number one school in the country), but due to the nature of his spouse’s job, they had to move from the quieter district of Musutafu, Shizuoka to a more stable but fast-paced life in the country’s capital city.

“And besides,” Midoriya said bashfully, when a few brave souls asked in an attempt to get to know him better, “it’s probably better for Eri-chan to attend school here in Tokyo. We want her to have the best education possible.”

And wasn’t that a shock to the people listening.

Because Midoriya Izuku, despite his appearance and against all odds, was actually married. With a daughter.

“Almost five years already,” he admitted, flushed but beaming at the same time as he raised his left hand, letting everyone see the bright silver band decorating his ring finger. “Right after graduation, to be honest. Ka— um, I mean, my spouse can be a bit impatient, and we couldn’t find a good enough reason to wait, so…”

When gently pressed, the story was eventually extricated. It was the very definition of a fairytale romance. Childhood friends, living in the same neighborhood. Misunderstandings and distance ensued as they grew up, but they eventually reconciled again as teenagers. By the time they were in second year high school, Midoriya and his future wife were beside each other all the time, to the point that everyone else assumed they were dating, so they just… apparently started doing it for real?

They continued to remain steady all throughout the rest of high school and university, and shockingly, it was Midoriya’s wife who proposed to him just before he graduated, rather than the other way around. They had Eri-chan not even a year after their wedding, which Midoriya’s co-workers surmised when they calculated the little girl’s age within the time period the man had just mentioned.

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