Crime Boss Duo

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“bastard doesn’t want to pay, huh?” a gruff, deep voice called into the darkness. A metallic srkhh broke the following silence, a small lighter flame illuminating the alleyway for a brief moment, the man’s blood eyes shining like gold before the flame cuts out and the smell of nicotine abruptly fills the air.

It was obvious the worm at Dynamight’s feet knew they would have to deal with this. “no, Sir. The client doesn’t want to pay the fee.” They said, voice carefully steady and low. False bravado.

He let out a deep hum, pretending to care about thinking over how to approach this issue. As if he didn’t already have the solution already chosen from the moment he heard about this. Those who can’t or won’t pay always get the punishment of freeloaders.

Letting out a long, care-free cloud of smoke from his cigar, he finally spared a glance toward the insect at his feet. Down on it’s knees as if it had any right to be there.

“burn both his properties, take anything deemed valuable. Incinerate anything with possible personal importance.” He drawled, entirely uncaring. He had better, far more important and priceless things to get back to.

He heard the ant’s breath hitch before its head shot up, looking at him with wide, shocked eyes. It opened its useless mouth as if to protest. Or perhaps to express its shock.

“is that an objection to a Direct order, scum?” he growled, finding a thrill in the way the ant’s eyes suddenly grew wider with fear. It snapped its mouth shut and shook its head wildly.

He eyed it, pretending to care about something that was less than the dirt beneath his feat. “good. Now, you have a job to do. Go do it.” The insect nodded and scampered off, out of Dynamight’s sight.


“hey, Kats. Good to see you back so soon. What happened to the payment?” Mei asked, eying the lack of any type of bag on him. She was sitting down on the couch, going through one of Izuku’s notebooks – probably one of the ones that had the analysis of company buildings in the West Division – and comparing it to the reports of the men he’d sent out last week.

Katsuki waved to her, pulling out a box he’d gotten on the way back. “he didn’t feel like paying, I was told. Don’t worry though, we don’t have freeloaders here.” He reassured her, walking over and handing her the box.

She eyed it approvingly, humming in acknowledgment.

“what about the money? It was a very heavy job, Katsuki.” Mei said, voice stern. He nodded, kissing her wrist and slipping the diamond studded bracelet onto it.

“I’m having them retrieve anything valuable from his properties. We’ll reap the profits, and leave them to suffer.” He explained, and Katsuki watched as she visibly relaxed. Katsuki always dealt with the dirty work, but Mei handled the finances and got them the equipment they needed.

Izuku. Beautiful, Stunning, Perfect little Izuku dealt with the public, handled the pretty and the clean side of things. Made things beautiful and sterile, shinnied a light on all the good public things they did so they could do their business in the dark.“Izuku was in the kitchen last time I checked, by the way.” Mei smirked, and Katsuki didn’t even bother to fight the blush that rose to his cheek.

He nodded and got up to find his pregnant husband. True to Mei’s word, Izuku wasn’t In the parlor, nor the sunroom or his art room. Lady Murder was in the sunroom though, and Katsuki gave her a kiss on her little black head, making her mwurr in appreciation and stretch out on the couch.

He left soon after to keep looking for his Pretty little husband, and did in fact find him In the kitchen.

Izuku looked stunning, even in the comfy, fluffy cream sweater that partly hid his baby bump and thick black leggings he was wearing as he sat on the counter. He had his fingerless gloves on, holding a cup of coffee that had steam rising and obscuring the scenery coming from the window. The golden light lit up his hair, making all the little highlights seem like a Halo across his head.

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