Villain Bakudeku Version 1

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Neither of them thought they’d end up like this. They had such bright dreams when they were children–brighter dispositions, too. Both of them aspired to be just like their hero, All Might.

It was such a thing of the past that the both of them found it cringey.

They would’ve been in their final year of high school now, but after the events of the Sludge Villain Incident, the both of them realized some things—about themselves, about their world, but mostly, about their so-called hero.

All Might’s actions that day were subtle, but very telling: leaving Izuku on top of a building after tearing his dreams to shreds, hesitating to save Katsuki when it could’ve cost a boy his life.

Izuku had only just barely made it to the scene on time, and even then, he was nursing a sprained ankle and a broken arm from having to climb down a fire escape that ended up breaking on him on his way down. Izuku caught a glimpse of Katsuki amongst all of that horrific goo he was caught up in earlier, and the rest was a no-brainer for him.

Izuku and Katsuki hadn’t been on the best of terms in years, so when Katsuki turned up at the Midoriya apartment after Izuku’s discharge from the hospital, Izuku fully expected the blond to be angry with him for extending his hand to Katsuki when it wasn’t needed.

And Katsuki was angry—angrier than he’d ever been in his entire life—but not at Izuku. Katsuki was angry at every single hero and civilian that watched him like he was some kind of side-show act, and without shame or regret, he admitted to how much he wanted to bash their heads in until they were unrecognizable piles of brain mush.

Katsuki was shaking furiously that day, and Izuku knew that it wasn’t all anger that had been stirring him up. He knew that there was fear and confusion and hurt all mixed together. The heroes he had grown up with, the ones he had idolized and spent time wishing he could be like, all stood there and made excuses and watched him struggle for his life.

Izuku, for all of his obsession, couldn’t deny the validity of Katsuki’s anger. He was angry, too. But it didn’t quite register for Izuku like it did for Katsuki. Katsuki was always quick to anger, to feel in general, but Izuku’s emotions usually got buried deep down or pushed aside.

Izuku’s anger festered, and the more he watched the news about the incident, about all of the praise and glory going to All Might while Izuku was admonished. And Katsuki…he wasn’t supposed to be brave, he wasn’t supposed to be strong–he was a child in need that was supposed to be saved; he was desperately doing what he had to do to survive because no one else was going to do it for him.

No one else except Izuku, another broken boy who just needed one person to step in and save him.

Izuku bit down hard on his bottom lip at the thought. “Geez, Kacchan, I can hear your heartbeat from here.” Izuku huffed out a laugh as he looked up from his notebooks at a blood-stained Katsuki. “Is it really that exciting?”

Katsuki smirked and wiped at his face, doing nothing to wipe off the blood from his face—in fact, Izuku was certain Katsuki did that to purposefully smear the blood more.

“Fuckin’ crazy how I used to wonder how people could take a life so easily. Now this shit’s fun, especially when the fuckers have it coming,”

“Down boy,” Izuku teased.

Katsuki scoffed. “D'ya wanna fuckin’ die next, shitnerd?” He threatened, but there was a smile on his face. Something about finishing off their targets made him giddy, but Izuku wasn’t complaining. It was cute.

“Sure,” Izuku responded with a roll of his eyes. He went over to Katsuki and brought the other’s hand to his neck. Katsuki preferred blowing up his victims’ faces, but Izuku didn’t want to break eye contact. “go ahead,”

Katsuki’s grip tightened around Izuku’s throat for a split second before he tore his hand away and knocked their foreheads together. “You’re fuckin’ crazy, Izuku.

"Gotta be to make it in this world.” Izuku answered with a slightly sad smile, Katsuki frowned.

Neither of them say anything more, they simply keep their foreheads together and bask in the silence. Funnily enough, despite the disfigured body laying next to them, these are the only moments they truly feel at peace.

For a brief moment, they tune out the stench of blood and and dying body, they tune out the dead silence, and they take themselves back to when things were simpler.

They can’t say they miss the ignorance, but constantly being on the run isn’t ideal either. It was always especially hard for Izuku, because he loved his mother dearly, and they were all each other had.

But he couldn’t abandon Katsuki. Because they, too, were all each other had.

Katsuki had planned to run away on the day of their middle school graduation. Izuku was unsure at first, but Katsuki told him it’d only be a few hours at most. They probably couldn’t be out for too long before their mothers turned Musutafu upside down looking for them.

Unsurprisingly, a few hours turned into a few years.

That had been the first night they killed a man. Several men, actually.

On their way back home, the two of them ended up walking into a secret operation by some low-level criminals. They had been chased to a more desolate district of their city, forced into an abandoned building and surrounded by several grown men who looked all too excited to beat up on some kids.

Unfortunately for those men, Katsuki and izuku weren’t dumb. The two of them worked together to escape, effectively beating up and disarming the men as they led them to a better space for Katsuki to crush them all under debris as he shot himself and Izuku up through the levels of the building which ended up collapsing just as the two made it outside.

Katsuki’s arms were throbbing and they both got hit by some debris themselves, leaving them battered and bruised and bleeding, but they were alive. And they were now murderers, and it felt…good.

Katsuki was cradling his arms to himself, but the adrenaline of using this quirk unabashedly against real opponents with the intent to hurt—the intent to kill—was the best high Katsuki had ever felt. Because his quirk was so destructive, he’d never had a real chance at giving it his all, much less against a person.

As for Izuku…he wasn’t sure if it felt particularly good, but it didn’t feel as bad as he had always imagine it’d feel. It was weird, knowing that you’ve killed someone—or several someones—but he didn’t feel bad for them. They were criminals, first and foremost, and they tried to harm both him and Katsuki for arguably no real reason.

Rather than the murder that felt good, it was the retribution—bad people getting their just desserts.

Izuku would be lying if he said he didn’t have violent thoughts towards people like that: petty murderers, rapists, abusers—they were commonplace in their society, but their crimes oftentimes flew under the radar because bigger and badder villains were always out there that needed the attention lest their crimes breed more villains like them.

“Hey…Kacchan…” Izuku spoke up first, his eyes fluttering open.

“Hm?” Katsuki hummed in response, his intense red eyes meeting Izuku’s shining greens.

Izuku felt his heart flutter and then race. “Let’s go for them all tonight…I’m suddenly in the mood to get my hands dirty,

”The grin on Katsuki’s face was sinister, but in a way that Izuku loved dearly. No one could match his energy quite like Katsuki could, and even if they did, Izuku wouldn’t want them anyways.

“Fuck yeah.” Katsuki eagerly agreed, bringing a hand to the back of Izuku’s head to pull him in for a deep, messy kiss.


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