Villain Bakudeku Version 3/Omegaverse

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“How could you have let this happen?!” Inko’s voice was sharp and piercing. Katsuki felt Izuku stiffen at his side. “You promised to keep my son safe.”

“I assure you we took every precaution,” said the principle.

“If that were true we wouldn’t be in this situation.” Her eyes were burning with fury. “You let this monster hurt my son.”

“Kacchan didn’t hurt me,” Izuku tried to protest, but no one was listening.

His mother continued her tirade. “I have stood by and let schools get away with far too much in the past. Do you have any idea how much Katsuki has hurt my son over the years? Tormented him while teachers stood back and did nothing. I thought UA was different, but it seems I was wrong. You’re just as bad as all the others who let alphas do whatever they want to omegas.”

“If you will hear us out,” The rat spoke up. “I hope that we can find a satisfactory solution. We certainly do not condone underaged or forced marking and I promise that Bakugo will be facing repercussions for his actions.”

“But he didn’t do anything wrong!” Izuku broke in. “I asked Kacchan to mark me and we’re both eighteen.”

Aizawa raised his hand to signal for the omega to be quiet. “Midoriya, there is no need to justify his actions. We won’t let you be self sacrificing to that extent.”

Katsuki’s jaw clenched and his hands flexed. It took all of his focus to keep them from sparking. He and Izuku had already tried to explain to the teachers that they had been courting for months, that they had decided together that they were ready, that the bond was not forced. The teachers had refused to listen. They had refused to accept that the only omega in the school would choose to bond with an alpha like Katsuki.

Now they had Izuku’s mother here and everything seemed to be spiraling out of control.

Aizawa stepped toward the irate mother. “Since the bond is still fresh, there is a high chance of successful removal if we do the surgery in the next day or two.”

No. Katsuki felt himself go stiff at the thought. He could not let them do that. He could not lose his mate and on top of that breaking a strong bond was both extremely painful and dangerous.

“I don’t want the bond removed!” Izuku yelled as he moved closer to Katsuki. The alpha immediately wrapped his arms tight around his mate. A small growl rumbled in Katsuki’s throat as he glared at the others in the room. No way would he let them near Izuku.

“This is for your own good,” Inko insisted. “This may be your last chance to be free from that monster. I refuse to stand by and let you stay in an abusive relationship like this.”

“He’s not abusive!” Izuku looked as furious as his mother now. “Kacchan is not like he was back in Middle School. He would never hurt me now. Kacchan is a good alpha.”

“Midoriya,” It was the principle speaking this time. His voice was overly soothing to the point of condescending. “We know that, now that you are bonded, your instincts are telling you to defend Bakugo. However, I assure you that this is what is best for you at this point. I am sure that with time to heal you will find a more suitable alpha-“

Katsuki snapped. A roar ripped itself from his throat. “Like I would let that happen! Deku is my mate! I won’t let you take that from us!” He felt his fangs growing in his mouth as his fingernails grew into long claws. His instincts took over demanding that he protect what was his.

At first he was going to do that by tearing out the throats of everyone else in this room, but a whimper from Deku changed that plan. They needed to get away. They needed to get somewhere safe. “Hold onto me.” He whispered and his omega immediately obeyed, his arms and legs wrapping around the alpha.

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