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This was a mistake. Bakugo listened from inside the dorm room; hiding from his nutty friends. As their voices from the other side faded into the hallway, Bakugo sighed in relief. He turned so his back was leaning against the door.

That's when he noticed it.

His eyes fixed in the small, green bush of hair through the low lit room. His eyes then wondered around the All Might themed room. The alarm clock on the bedside table flashed "1:02 am" and Bakugo let his head lightly thud against the door.

Since his return to the dorms that day Bakugo wanted nothing to do with the rest of the students. Unfortunately for him, they were waiting for him to come back. It didn't take long for Pikachu, Flex Tape, Raccoon Eyes and Shitty Hair to try and drag him into one of their stupid ideas. Bakugo kept answering no, but they were eager to piss him off, because they weren't accepting that answer.

Once Bakugo was confident the idiots were far away enough, he stood. His eyes trailed back towards the sleeping tuft of broccoli at the other end of the room. The smaller teen was sleeping like a baby. He looked kinda like one too. Without thinking, Bakugo carefully moved closer to the sleeping Deku.

The young boy's feckless were almost invisible in the lack of light, his green hair looking almost black. Deku's brows knotted and he shifted uneasily beneath his blanket.

"Kaa ... chan." He mumbled in his sleep. Something inside Bakugo stirred and whatever it was, it didn't make him feel very good. He reached his hand towards the sleeping teen but stopped, realising his instincts were betraying him.

Bakugo cursed himself out under his breath. He hated Deku ... right?

Bakugo was pulled back into reality once he noticed the tears pooling on the edge of Deku's eyes. The smaller teen began rocking back and forth more violently.

Deku sprung forward and his eyes flashed open.

Bakugo tried to submerge the rising panic.The green haired boy sat, panting for a few moments before realising someone else was in the room with him.

"... wait, Kaachan?!" Deku quietly shouted once his eyes could read the outline of the boy beside him.

"No ... you're dreaming." Was the only thing Bakugo could think of at that moment to say. He hoped the boy was tired enough, dumb enough, or even both to buy this. Deku tilted his head to one side."I'm dreaming ... about Kaachan?"

['YOU WERE JUST DOING THAT A MOMENT AGO DEKU, DON'T SOUND SO SUPRISED!'] Bakugo screamed inside his head to the green haired boy, who was still processing everything at a snail's pace. Deku blinked a few times before he lowered himself back under his blanket.

Bakugo released a sigh he didn't realise he was holding once the nerd settled back into sleep. Bakugo gingerly sat on the edge of the bed beside Deku. He gently whipped a small tear from Deku's eye and the sleeping dolt smiled, which sent a feeling through him; one reminiscent to warm butter spreading over toast.

Bakugo's eyes flicked back towards the clock, "1:09 am". "Probably time to get some sleep." Bakugo mumbled to himself, standing from the bed and reaching for the door."Kaachan?" Deku suddenly spoke up. Bakugo whipped around with great force at the suprise if the nerd's voice. He was supposed to be getting back to sleep. Deku rolled over, his eyes were closed. "You're my hero."

Bakugo felt his face warm up.

He turned back to the door and exited Deku's room. While the explosive blonde walked back to his room, Deku's declaration danced through his head.


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