Quirk Accident (Bunnies)

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It was just a normal Saturday in the Height's Alliance dorms.

All of class 1-A's students, except for a few here and there, were gathered around tables colluding on homework answers and on sofas stealing each other's snacks-or whatever else it was that heroes-in-training did on the weekend.

Ashido was all over Hagakure because she'd just bought the newest Just Dance and seriously wanted to play it (omg). Kirishima and Shoji were arm wrestling (again) while Asui served as their referee (she was always fair in her calls, unlike some people. Kaminari was a little biased for his boyfriend.). Mineta was not-really-secretly trying to download porn onto his phone, and, whilst Yaoyorozu made tea in the kitchen, Jirou sat by, ever waiting for her on the counter.

Surprisingly, the teachers hadn't given out too much homework over the weekend, most likely because midterms were coming up, and that meant the students of the hero course were able to relax, hang out with each other, and simply do whatever it was they wanted with their free time.

Two students in particular, were out, probably doing who they wanted with their free-time. Because they were nowhere to be seen.

Uraraka claimed she saw him earlier-at 4 in the morning!

She had been standing in her doorway contemplating (not true, she was for sure stealing some of Aoyama's fudge cookies) going downstairs to get something to eat, and had happened to see him walking by, though he didn't notice her peeking at him through her cracked door (like a creep).

Anyway, Uraraka hadn't seen him since then, but she'd made sure to tell all the girls about the juicy info she'd gotten from scoping out her classmate.

Why else would Midoriya be on the fourth floor when his dorm is on the second floor?

Because Bakugo's room was on the fourth floor!

Ah! True love! (At least, that's what Ashido and the rest of the girls and Kirishima called it.)

The thing was, although Midoriya and Bakugo had been dating since the beginning of second year, they had yet to officially tell anyone the news.

Which was fine-no one was trying to pressure them into outing themselves and their gay-for-eachother boyfriend status (though everyone knew they were head-over-heels for each other since basically first year). Still though, it would be nice to be able to talk about it with the two love birds around and not only whenever they were gone.

But seeing as they'd gone out again under the ruse that they were going to hang out as friends, it left the rest of Class 1-A to guess what gross couply things they were doing and when they'd get back (and, most importantly, in what state).

It was honestly ridiculous, the excuses they came up with.

One time, the two of them came back with their clothes all messed up and covered in dirt and grass stains. In the face of what was collectively Class 1-A's joint eyebrow raise, Midoriya had simply smiled and said they'd gotten into an impromptu sparring session at the park. Another time, Bakugo had come back with his neck covered in dark bruises that looked like he'd survived an attempted strangulation. He'd tried to sneak in unseen, unsuccessfully, and once caught he'd muttered off some excuse about accidentally hitting a beehive. All the while, Midoriya had stood in the doorway behind him, his lips a little darker than most of the class remembered.

So, that was the routine.

The two of them would go off galavanting on some most-likely super-cute date and then come back obviously having been on said super-cute date but acting like nothing happened between them except Platonic Friend Things.

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