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The door to Katsuki's room creaks open, revealing a sleepy Izuku, his all might clad pillow and phone in tow.

Neither says word as Katsuki soundlessly scoots over, making room for the green haired boy in his bed. Not bothering to look up from his book.There's no need to. They've done this before. There's no need to speak of things that have been spoken of before.

Neither one says a word as Izuku closes the door behind him and places his pillow next to his Kacchan and lays down, pulling out his phone to scroll through his feed in silence.

There's no need to speak. They've done this before. There's no need to speak of things that have been spoken of before.

After a while, Katsuki sees Izuku put down his phone out of the corner of his eye before feeling a gentle 'tap, tap, tap' on his chest where his heart is. He looks over to find two emerald green eyes filled with tears staring up into his red ones, silently asking a question, neither one needed to be spoken aloud.

Katsuki shifts onto his side, facing the freckled boy and gently 'tap, tap, tapped' his chest where Izuku had just done so before. Wordlessly asking the same question back that neither of them needed to say.

Izuku sniffled and nodded his head, answering the question neither of them had needed to be said.

Katsuki shuffles a bit, letting Izuku lay his ear next to his chest before getting back to his book. Allowing the nerd to lay there and listen to the steady 'thump, thump, thump' of heart.

There was no need to speak. They've done this before. There's no need to speak of things that have been spoken of before.

They both lay there like that for an hour or two. Until Katsuki hears the sound of Izuku's soft snores. He then marks the page in his book, setting it soundlessly on his nightstand and flicks off the lamp before settling down on his pillow next to Izuku.

He pulled the covers over the both of them and held Izuku close, running his hands through the verdant locks. Pressing his lips to the nerd's forehead before pulling back and resting his head on top of the forest green curls. Drifting off to sleep with the scent of vanilla scented shampoo filling his nose and a comfortable warmth pressed against his body.

There had been no need to speak. They've done this before. There's no need to speak of things that have been spoken of before.


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