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Life after death is all about peace and quiet, they said. Eternal happiness and joy, or whatever.

It seems that Katsuki’s getting punished instead – his tombmate happens to be the chattiest, liveliest ghost in the entire cemetery.

He used to float around and ask everyone questions about their current and past lives, inspect their headstones, and go ooh and aah at the engravings and plaques, never shutting the hell up.

It was easy enough for Katsuki to tune him out at first, content to spend the rest of his existence lying on the soft grass of his tomb, grateful for its tingly sensation.

He’s glad someone fucked up and buried him far away from his parents, because at least he doesn’t have to endure them being all kissy-kissy and insufferable even here, but alas – fate reserved something far worse for him.

A mouthy, clingy tombmate.

“Hi, Kacchan,” Deku calls out at some point, some day, like he always does.

Katsuki pretends to be dead.

“I can see your hair peeking through the grass. Kinda looks like hay, actually. I wonder how it’d f-”

“Yours looks like a shrub,” Katsuki bites back, resigned.

Even hiding inside his own grave doesn’t work. Didn’t work yesterday, won’t work tomorrow.

Katsuki figures he can let Deku follow him around for a bit. A small fountain has been recently installed, and Katsuki’s determined to feel water on his ghostly hands.

Maybe Deku’ll get distracted by a ladybug and leave him alone for a while.

He really doesn’t look like much, but Katsuki’s seen him interact with the living – a flower, a curious butterfly, even a scared little kid. He’s the only one who can, so Katsuki’s reluctantly impressed.

As much as Katsuki doesn’t like being bothered, he doesn’t mind some novelty.

(Maybe the company, too.)


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