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A phobia is defined as an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something.

There are many different kinds of phobias. Some people have a phobia of deep water, while others have a phobia of animals of some sort. There are people with phobias like heights and public speaking.

Phobias are everywhere. Phobias are in a lot of people.

Midoriya Izuku has a phobia of spiders. Arachnophobia.

Yeah. After countless interactions with literal villains as a teenager, and even more as an adult, going through plenty of near-death experiences, you would imagine that he’s not afraid of, well, anything, really. However, you would be imagining wrong.

Spiders just freak him out, it’s unnerving for something to have so many legs and to be able to hang from the ceiling and ugh, he shivers just thinking about the things. Also, not to mention, there are a lot of super dangerous ones that can kill you with just one single bite. One Bite.

So, when Izuku is sitting at home, on his couch after a long day of work, exhausted, and sees a spider crawling around on his coffee table, he rightfully freaks out. This includes him screaming while jumping behind the couch, using it as a shield between him and the spider. Okay, yeah, maybe (just MAYBE) that was a bit much (it was a very loud scream) but, hey. It works. It causes his boyfriend to come down the stairs and, yeah, he eyes Izuku weirdly and asks, “What the fuck was the scream for?”

Izuku just points.

Katsuki follows Izuku’s finger to the coffee table where a little, tiny spider is walking around. It’s harmless. Katsuki’s mouth quirks up into a smirk and he can’t help but laugh at his boyfriend, “You’re seriously scared of that?”

Izuku nods, a serious look on his face. He’s actually terrified as his finger stays frozen in its pointing.

Katsuki lifts an eyebrow, “You got attacked by 3 fucking villains today, one of which has been after you for the last two damn weeks, and you’re scared of this shitty little spider?”

Izuku nods, still completely serious as he keeps his eye on the spider (as much as he hates looking at their creepy little bodies, he would rather know where it is than have it loose around his house somewhere). As for Katsuki’s point, villains are different, okay? Spiders are spiders. Their creepy little bodies and their legs, crawling around on the walls, defying gravity or whatever. Their many many eyes. Izuku shivers whenever he thinks about it. He cannot stand spiders in the slightest.

Katsuki chuckles again, “Can’t fuckin’ wait for the day that you have to face someone with a spider quirk,” He mumbles while walking over to the coffee table and letting the spider crawl onto his hand. He walks to their front door and brings it outside, letting it crawl off of his hand and onto the wall of their home. When he walks back in, Izuku looks a lot calmer. His hand is back at his side and he’s not so tense anymore.

Then he’s shooing Katsuki into the kitchen so that he can watch his hands, mumbling something along the lines of, ”I can’t believe you actually touched that thing.”

Katsuki rolls his eyes, “Okay okay, I’m walking to the damn kitchen, you don’t have to push me, Izu.” He walks to the sink and turns the water on so that he can wash his hands.

Izuku stands there watching him the entire time as if he’s supervising to make sure Katsui does it right, “You’re crazy, Kacchan. I can’t believe you just touched that thing with your bare hand.”

Katsuki shrugs, shutting the water off and shaking his hands a bit to get any excess water off of them before he dries them with the towel hanging from their oven.

After he dries his hands, he looks back to Izuku,“Am I allowed to touch you now?”

Izuku crosses his arms and stares at Katsuki, debating whether he wants to agree or not.

Katsuki scoffs lightly, “Oh really? You actually have to think about it?” He asks, a playful tone in his voice.

“You just touched a spider!” Izuku exclaims seriously, taking a step back. He whines, “I hate spiders, Kacchan.”

Katsuki laughs at his boyfriend, despite how offended the younger man looks by it. Really, he finds it adorable that he’s so scared of something so he can’t help but laugh a little bit. He doesn’t know how he’s never realized this before, they used to run through the woods as kids all the time. There were spiders everywhere in that place.

He’s known Izuku for their entire 24 years of life, been dating him for 6, and never once realized that he’s afraid of spiders of all things? It’s just a little funny, okay? It is.

Katsuki takes a few steps forward and places his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders, his laughter dwindling, “I promise there are no more spider germs on my hands, okay? I washed the damn things very well.”

Izuku relaxes a bit, he did just watch Katsuki as he washed his hands so he knows that he washed them well, he just can’t get it out of his head how he picked the spider up so easily and brought it outside. Just like that.Izuku takes a deep breath and nods, “Yeah I know,” He mumbles, looking up at Katsuki and going just barely on his tiptoes so that he can press a quick kiss to Katsuki’s mouth, “Thanks for getting rid of it.” Izuku wraps his arms around Katsuki’s middle.

Katsuki smiles down at his boyfriend and responds with another kiss, a bit deeper this time but just as meaningful as Izuku’s kiss, “You’re welcome,” He whispers as they release from the kiss.

They stand like that for a few more minutes, in each other’s arms, and Katsuki makes a mental note to try and get rid of all the spiders he sees in the house before Izuku can notice them because, as funny as it was to see Izuku so terrified over such a little thing, he doesn’t want Izuku to have to go through that again. He’s a good boyfriend, okay?

Katsuki presses another kiss to the crown of Izuku’s head and listens as Izuku whispers,

“I love you.”“I love you too,” Katsuki whispers back without a moment of hesitation.


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