Thank You

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Deku whipped his head around and bit out between clenched teeth, “What did you just say?”

The group of second year business students that sat behind their table flinched and leaned away from the pure fury that radiated from one Izuku Midoriya.

“We… uh…” One of the boys tried to speak up, but couldn’t seem to get the words out now that they’d been overheard.

“We said,” a girl with an upturned nose and almost white blue hair rolled her eyes, “That even though Bakugou is a war hero now or whatever, it still doesn’t seem like he actually cares all that much, especially after watching how he treats his friends. It’s going to be hard for the public to always be assured in him, since he clearly doesn’t care.”

Izuku can feel his blood pressure rise. How could they say that about Kacchan? How could anyone think he didn’t care?

“Izuku, don’t,” Kacchan’s hand is on his forearm, “They’re extras and their words don’t matter.”

But Deku can’t leave it alone. No one insults Kacchan like that. Especially after he’s worked so hard to get where he is now.

He stands from his seat.

“Oh boy,” Todoroki sighed from his other side.

“Don’t hold back, Mido!” he can hear Mina and the other members of the Bakusquad support him.

Izuku can’t help but continue to glare down each individual at the second year business lunch table. They were only a year younger than them, but they hadn’t been here when the war was happening. They hadn’t been a part of the fight – not in the way his class had been. They only saw what happened through a video screen the other business course students had managed. They hadn’t seen how Kacchan had grown – especially publicly.

But for them to say Kacchan didn’t care? At all? That’s crossing a line.

“Katsuki Bakugou,”

“Whoa, first name.” A few of their friends whisper behind him.

“Is one of the most caring heroes and persons of this generation. Clearly you haven’t been paying attention. But as it is, Kacchan doesn’t show he cares in the obvious ways. As business students you’re supposed to look into the finer details of heroes. Doesn’t seem like you’ve learned that lesson yet.”

“Yes, we have, we – “

“Katsuki Bakugou,” Deku continues on like they hadn’t spoken, “Ensures the civilians in the area are protected and ensures they are safe during altercations and is a beacon to look to that things will be okay. Not only does he protect civilians, he shows his care for people by ensuring everyone is okay afterwards and if not, personally making sure they receive the required attention needed per situation. Katsuki Bakugou shows he cares by taking his time out of his day to speak to kids and encourage them to pursue their dreams no matter what. He shows his care by winning each and every fight to keep civilians safe.”

“But that’s just normal – ” another business student tries to interject.

“No, it’s not.” Kirishima growls from behind Izuku and he’s thankful for the backup, “Our Kats goes above and beyond each time he’s out there defending the streets. Just because you don’t like the look of his attitude doesn’t mean it’s not true.”

Izuku continues on, “And furthermore, attitude doesn’t mean you don’t care. People aren’t one sided. Move past the knee jerk reaction and look deeper into what someone’s actions are beyond their words.

“Katsuki Bakugou cares deeply for the people he’s sworn to protect on the field and furthermore he cares especially for the people he considers friends. Which is not an easy title to earn, but once you do, you wouldn’t want anyone else in your corner."

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