Quirk Accident (De-Aged) Chapter 1

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It's a pleasant Sunday afternoon. Eijirou is enjoying his day off with Hanta and Denki-a rarity now that they're in third year and have so much on their plates-before they're unexpectedly interrupted. At first, it seems like nothing out of the ordinary, but the group soon find out otherwise.

As they cut through a park, they notice a pair of kids ahead of them. At the playground, a child is crying incredibly loudly, and the other is fussing about, pops of noise and light coming their hands as they pace about in agitation.

Eijirou wonders what could be wrong. It doesn't seem like any adults are around; where are their parents?

The children are somehow familiar, which only becomes more apparent as Eijirou gets closer. The agitated child is blond and the crying child has messy green hair. Eijirou picks up his pace, and for a moment he swears he hears a whined, "Kacchan," from the crying one.

"We should, uh. Check that out. See if those kids are okay," Eijirou suggests.

His friends nod in agreement, eyes locked on the children.

Katsuki and Izuku had internships this morning. They should be back at the dorms by now. And yet.

The wailing child has familiar green hair and freckles, though they're almost hidden by the redness of his face. The other is swearing loudly, with spiky blond hair, blazing red eyes, and explosions sparking off his palms.

Eijirou looks at the others, who nod at him in silent agreement. They approach the children.

"Uh. Katsuki? Midoriya?" Denki asks.

The blond one whips around and squints at Denki, stepping in front of his companion. "Who're you?" he asks accusingly.

Denki raises his hands in surrender. "I'm Kaminari Denki. I'm a UA student. See?" Denki gestures to his uniform.

Eijirou does the same and introduces himself too, smiling at the kids brightly. This is weird as hell, but they can't just leave random kids who might be their friends alone in this state.

The blond relaxes a little and nods. Behind him, the freckled child's eyes go wide and excited. "Wow, Kacchan, UA shudents! So c- cool! I wonder what quirks they got."

Well. That answers that. Holy shit.

(Is this a bad time to think little Izuku's apparent speech issues are like... really adorable? Is that a mean thing to think?)

Katsuki turns to Izuku. "Shut up, Deku."

Izuku's expression drops a little.

Denki and Hanta share a concerned look. Eijirou frowns, coming closer and crouching as the two children continue to talk quietly.

"Sow- sorry, Kacchan..." Izuku apologises.

"Don't say sorry, stupid. Everything's weird, so we don't need ta know their quirks now. We gotta find a hero first. I'd take us home myself but... I dunno where we are," Katsuki says, pouting.

Denki and Hanta whisper behind Eijirou as he watches the children before him. Izuku clutches Katsuki's sleeve in his little fist, and it strikes Eijirou just how small they are.

"Crap, guys, remember how they were at the start of first year? We should probably separate them," Denki says.

"Shoot, you're right," Hanta says, immediately going to Katsuki and squatting just a little between him and Izuku. "C'mere a sec, mini Katsuki."

Meanwhile, Denki moves to Izuku, fluidly detaching his death grip on his Kacchan. "Hey, little Midoriya! You wanna hear about my quirk?"

Izuku looks uncertain, and glances at Katsuki. He wrings his stubby fingers together. "I- I dunno, Kacchan said..."

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