Time Travel: Number One Dad

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It has been 12 years since the infamous, villain-magnet: Class 1-A or rather 3-A graduated. Time truly flies when you are enjoying yourself. They had earned a lot of monikers during their time at U.A; Problematic Class 1-A, The Egoistic Class (courtesy of Monoma) etc. Yet for Aizawa they were just his Hell Class. His pride and joy. The one Class that managed to worm themselves into his heart, having no intention of ever leaving.

He couldn't seem to be able to part with them even after they became Pro-Heroes. It made it more difficult to say goodbye when they all had taken up the habit to call him Dad. Aizawa would deny it with his life, but he did tear up at their graduation, not wanting to let them go just yet. Just one more day, one more lesson, one more class dinner, one more video game marathon. One more.

Aizawa took great pride in the fact that the top twenty Hero Billboard included all of his Limelight Hero students. The first time he stepped into Class 1-A after they graduated, a wave of nostalgia crashed on him, seeing new faces in place of his kids.

The feelings were mutual and his kids left no oppurtunity to come and check up on him. Randomly popping into his class and causing an uproar was a Class favourite, forcing him to cut short the lesson. The first few years as sidekicks were difficult and they were swarmed with work. The Bakusquad or Dekusquad often kidnapped Aizawa for a small dinner now and then. But once they became full-fledged Pro-Heroes, Aizawa saw them a lot more often. They made it mandatory to have family dinner every month and nobody was to miss it.

They were not just his students. Literally. Some of them were legally his. He couldn't stand by and watch his kids suffer.

The first one to be adopted was Shoto. Ever since he failed his provisional license exam, he started going home often. More like forced into Endeavour's car every evening, barely making it to the dorms before curfew. The signs were subtle at first but on retrospection, red flags where everywhere. They just ignored it.

Shoto flinched everytime someone grabbed his shoulder, ready to fight back. Cowering everytime someone extended a hand, as if bracing himself from a slap. He was worn out to the bone and dreaded evenings when the car pulled up in front of the dorms.

The final stroke was when he had a panic attack in the kitchen, with the kettle shrieking in the background. Shoto paled, shivering at the sight. His breathing became shallow and he tried to fold into himself and shrink. Iida ran to fetch Aizawa, burning the carpet in the process. Aizawa kicked himself for not noticing his suffering earlier. What kind of a teacher he was, ignoring his pain long enough till it pushed him into a panic attack?

After Shoto calmed down and explained the situation, Aizawa saw red. His hands trembled as he barely kept his rage in check. The entire Class had to dogpile on Aizawa to stop him from murdering the Number One Hero. Midoriya had to hold him down with One for All, Sato had to activate his sugar mode and yet Aizawa managed to drag himself till the door. It was the first time they had seen Aizawa so mad. Even Bakugou didn't want to stand in front of him.

Aizawa wasted no time in removing Shoto from that hell hole. The speed with which the he got the paperwork ready was scary. It was difficult going against Endeavour but Nedzu managed to pull a few strings. Shoto had a restraining order against him and he was officially free.

Aizawa and Yamada wasted no time in adopting Shoto. He took up the Aizawa-Yamada last name, severing any bond left with Endeavour.

Next was Hitoshi. He had been stubborn and refused to tell Aizawa anything about his home life. He often showed up for practice with raw scratches near his jaw, suspiciously like the one Bakugou had when he was muzzled at the Sports Festival.

Took some persuassion but he finally broke down, revealing everything to his teacher. Needless to say, Shoto got another elder brother. Hitoshi also gave up the name Shinsou the moment he was welcomed into his new family.

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