Rape? Abuse? Sex? Yeah, Been There, Done That!

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Rape? Abuse? Sex? Yeah, Been There, Done That! is copyright © Kearsten Prince 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise – without written permission from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

Chapter 1- "Ugga ! I HATE YOU!" Katie yelled as she got into her room!  

Her mother had just spanked her, for not breathing correctly! How do you breathe correctly? She had always wanted her to do things exactly how she pictured it in her head. Which is fine except, Katie isn't in her head. Her mom does drugs and she beat Katie. So did her unloving father.  

"Why does it always have to be me?" Katie whispered amongst herself. She sighed as she looked out of the window and saw her mother and father leaving. As soon as they pulled out the driveway, she ran downstairs to the kitchen, reading a note that was left for her on the fridge.  

"Wash the dishes, dust the bookcases, polish the furniture, sweep, take out the trash, clean every bedroom, wash counters, wash clothing, sort clothing, and clean bathroom." Oh Ma Gosh! If I Don't Finish Before She Gets Here... She Sighed.  

She quickly began to wash the dishes, she carefully washed every dish slowly and gracefully, in fear of missing one spot. Soon every dish was washed, they basically looked new! In a rush she grabbed the blue and yellow swifter duster. She ran to the bookcase and dusted fast but thoroughly. Next, she popped open the furniture polish and polished the piano, every Couch, and more.  

She gathered all six bags of trash and took them out just as the trash man came to pick it up. She was relieved that she caught him.  

"THANK YOU!" He exclaimed to her.  

Without a "you're welcome," she ran back in and went to clean all four bedrooms. On her last room (The guest room) she heard a car pull into the driveway. She started to panic. 

"Shit!" She exclaimed.  

She tried to rush to finish, but her father walked through the door. He came in yelling. "SLUT! Get in here!" She quickly scurried to him.

"YES, FATHER?" She said to him. 


"I didn't have enough time, sir." she said ever so sweetly. 

"Walk down to the basement, IMMEDIATELY," were the only things he said. She immediately walked down to the basement. When she got down there she waited, as was expected. Soon he came down, and yelled, "YOU ARE WORTHLESS! YOU ARE NOTHING MERE TO ME THAN A SLAVE!" He knocked her to the floor, and kicked her repeatedly.

"I'm sorry I didn't finish in time. I'm sorry I made you mad." She Thought.  

He soon came back with a bucket.... THE bucket. She'd seen it before, and she knew what It was for. He poured some very hot water on her legs. Then he started to pour the rest of the hot water all over her body. She started squiriming, trying to hold in the scream, because she knew it wouldn't work. He whooped her again, and left her there speawled out on the floor. As he walked out he said,

"When your mother gets back she will hear of this."  

When he was surely gone, she tried her hardest to stand up. She was trembling. She dried herself off, and hobbled to her room to get dressed. After that she carefully finished all her chores, and it took a while, considering she was sort of hobbled over. Just as she was finishing she heard her mother pull up to the house. She knew her father had already told her everything. She walked in the house, called Katie to her, and as she confronted her, without saying a word, she slapped her.

"What do you think you're doing disobeying us!?"  

"I didn't have enough time, mother." Katie's voice trembled showing weakness.  

He mother slapped her once more.

"YOU MAKE TIME!" She threw her at the wall, and a lady walked in the house. "Welcome, Cathy meet your new friend." Her mother explained to the lady whose name seemed to be Cathy.  


"Sure is," her mother smirked, and walked away leaving Katie with Cathy.  

Cathy grabbed her face and said, "We're going to have fun.. well I am .. not so much you." 

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