It gets better

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In this story the main character encountered some major conflicts that were inflicted on her. These may seem inhuman, but things like this happen all around us everyday. It's time that people start noticing. You're best friend could've gotten raped, and you wouldn't even know. Someone close to you could be getting abused and you don't pay any attention to it. People like to deny what's actually happening because they don't want to believe that it could happen to someone they know. In this book, Katie wanted to give up. There were so many times she could've taken her life. She didn't know life gets better. She just knew what was happening at the moment was hell. Yet she came out on top with a beautiful marriage, a kid, and one on the way. She should be an example to all that think there's nothing more to it. She should show you that you can make it anywhere in life with the least bit of hope. You want to be a football player? Get out there, pray and practice, and you'll make it. You want to be a lawyer? Start debating, and you'll be perfect. You want to be an actress? Be the most dramatic person out there, and they won't be able to deny you. You all have something in you that WANTS to make it somewhere, you just got to find out what it is and go for it! Life doesn't get better on it's own. Do me a favor and NEVER GIVE UP. And if life gets too hard, and you have every reason in the world to give up, DONT. And instead of blaming it on yourself when it hurts, blame it on me. I'm the one that told you it gets better, and to keep trying. If you would like to contact me sometime you can comment or kik me: LoveMe_ILoveYou

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