Truths. Leaving.

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Its been a while since I've actually did any 'hanging out'. I just go to Trevor's house at his beckoned call. He beats me. We make out. We have sex and I'm done for the night. Ooh. Fun. Note my sarcasm. I haven't had the feel to do much else really. I just sit around. My life is whithering away by the second. I try my best to smile and act fine though. I sighed. "Life isn't all it's cracked up to Be, huh?" I ran my finger over my scars that seemed to Be healing up. The hurt that ran through my body just by looking at it was greater than the hurt of actually doing it. I regret every moment of that, but in a weird way I liked it. I pulled my sleeve down to cover the scars. I got up off my floor in which I had been sitting on. I made my way down the street and it was pretty hot so I took my over shirt off. I had a blue cami underneath. The cars probably thought I was some kind of roadside skank, but I couldn't blame them my boobs were.practically bursting out of my cami. I knew that would earn me a beating but honestly I don't care. It was steaming hot, guess that's why Trevor decided to go to the waterpark today. I arrived at the house and knocked once then just walked in. After all it is my house too. Oh how i hated that. I knew he'd be in his room. "Hey babe." I said so bluntly. "Wtf are you wearing? Are you trying to be a slut today?" "It. Was Hot." I said gritting my teeth to get the words out. I had grown to hate him. "What the fuck ever where's your swimsuit?" "In my bag." "Go Change. Why Isn't It On Your Body?" I rolled my eyes and went to go change. The swimsuit wasn't slutty, but The fact that I had a little too much junk up there and down there, showed. It showed alot. My boobs were pushed up, and my ass was hanging out. I shrugged, "Oh well".

As I walked in the room where Trevor was his eyes literally popped out of his head. "WHAT THE LIVING FUCK ARE YOU WEARING!?" "A swimsuit obviously." I replied like that was THE dumbest question ever... because it was. "Who the he'll told you you could dress like a slut!? I surely didn't. Do you have anything else?" NO BITCH. NO I DO NOT. "No. I don't." "You fucking slut. I barely want to go anywhere with you anymore." "Then don't." I felt a cold hand hit my face, but it didn't hurt. I've gotten used to it. "Bitch. Please don't forget your place, because I'd hate to embarrass you in public." I rolled my eyes and walked out to the car, because I knew he wouldn't do anything to me in public. As I sat in the car I smirked to myself. I'm going to use this to my advantage.

We made our way to the waterpark listening to music. When we got there, there were massive loads of people there. I got there and I was shocked. I haven't seen this many people.... ever.

When I stepped out of the car I saw many eyes averting their attention to me. I didn't mind the attention, but Trevor seemed to. He covered me up with his body and whispered in my ear, "you're mine and only mine." I shivered at that, because I knew it was true.

When we were in the waterpark I actually turned out having alot of fun. I just had to be a Dumbass and ruin it though. "Hey babe. I have to use the restroom really quick. I'll be right back." I told Trevor. "Alright. Hurry." He called out to me. On my way there I almost fell a few times. Ha. Almost got me, stupid cord. I laughed a little. I went in the bathroom and used it really quick and smoothed my hair down a little. It was a silky stringy mess. Although, in a way, it was cute. I hurried and walked out of the restroom, but this time ACTUALLY slipping. I slipped and right before I hit the ground someone caught me. I looked up, and it was a good-looking guy. "Woah. Almost fell there, haha." He helped me up. "Yeah, ha. I'm a clutz. " I said, stunned by his beauty. "Ha. Nah. It's really slippery out here." "Ha. Yeah. Well thanks for catching me." "OH yeah, anytime Ya need me, find me!" He smiled and winked. I made my way back and to my surprise, my eyes started to tear up. I felt tears brimming my eyes. The sight that I saw was unbearable. It was unexpected. It was.. ... just unbelievable. I don't think my eyes were deceiving me, but if they were then they're pretty darn good at it.

In my direct view I saw Trina sitting at the edge of the pool with Trevor full-on making out. Yes I mean tongues and boob grabbing, and dick grabbing and all. I was going to run over and kick them in the water and drown their asses but I didn't have it in me. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and turned around. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" I ran up to that guy that just saved me from a head injury. He was on his way leaving. "Hey. You can be my new friend. Are you leaving?" "Yeah, actually" He looked very confused. "Awesome! Can I come?" "Ummm.. arent you here with some-" "Awww come on!!! You just saved me let's be friends. We can talk about it on our way to our destination." He shrugged and plastered a huge smile on his face. "Haha. Sure. C'mon." When we got to his black BMX I turned the music up. For some reason I like to listen to music.. and music only. We got to this huge house are we at. It was the most elegant house I've ever seen. He led me up to His room and I was astonished. "Hey. I never got your name!" "It's Drake."

"And Yours Is?" "OH." I didn't realize I haven't given mine. "It's Katie." "That's cute." "Ha. What is that supposed to mean?" I chuckled. "Nothing I just thought that's a cute name!" He laughed. I playfully pushed him. He picked Me up, and threw me over his shoulder. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN!!" I couldn't understand why, but I was laughing hysterically! "Not until you say you're sorry!" "OK. OK. Ok!....... You're Sorry!" Suddenly in a swift motion I was spinning around in a circle. "AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! OK! I'M SORRY!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I was dizzy. He suddenly stopped. "What was that?" He asked As if this was amusing him. "I'm. Sorry." I sighed. He easily put me down without showing any effort.

"Ha. Good." He chuckled. "Whatever." I straightened up my shirt, and pat my hair down. "So. What's up. You so willingly got in a car with a stranger. Haven't your parents taught you not to get in the car with serial killers?" He asked playfully. The feeling I got when he asked it was weird. It wasn't me choking up. I didn't have a feeling. I found it funny. "Nah. They're deadbeats." I smirked a little. "Woah. Kinda harsh." If only he knew. "Haha whatever." "Well let's get to know each other." He sounded excited to get to know me..GOD knows why. "Waddaya Want To Know?" "Fav Color? Last Name? Why Did You Want To Go With Me? School? How Are You? Fav Food? What Do You Want To Do Here? Single?" The questions ran by quick but I caught every one. "Purple. Williams. I didn't want to stay with the people I was with. I Haven't Started This Year. I had To Take Time Away For A Year. But As Next Year Comes I'll Be Going To Ridgeway. Im Fine. Pizza. Let's Partayyyy, and" I hesitated before I answered the last question. ".. I'm Single and Ready To Miiiinngllleee!" I don't consider what I said a lie. I don't consider Trevor my boyfriend more like my abuser. "Awesome! Now Let's Get To That Partayyyy!" I was curious as to where he was going, but settled when I saw him saunter into the kitchen. He pulled out some wine and wine glasses. My eyes got big. I've never drunk ANYTHING. To hell if I was going to say it though. He handed me a glass. "Thank you!" I sipped slowly, but the red substance was addictive and all I wanted was more. "Woah! Slow down! We have jello shots." I didn't know what that was, so I just slowed down as he went to get them. When he came back I saw a big glass bottle and it appeared to be vodka. My eyes got real big as he poured my first glass of the amazing substance. I knew that I would be having more of that before the night is over with.






"Wha- what?" My voice was raspy as I was just waking up. "I said.. do you want blueberry pancakes?" What? I wiped something sticky off of my face. Then I jumped up. "What the hell!? What's going on?!"

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