Do i Belong?

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It's been about three days since I broke up with him. I still remember ever little detail of that day. I cried when I got home, because I was free, and it just felt so good. I didn't ever want to see him again. I knew that was a stretch, because I knew I would. I just didn't want to. I felt bad about the shit that I allowed myself to take. I held it against myself. I knew no boy could ever love me. It was Alright. I was ugly. Never good enough, stupid, confused, and just flat out lonely. I never really had anyone to care for me in my life. No one really liked me. Hell I don't even like me. I guess That's fair. How can someone love someone who doesn't love theirself. I really was confused about everything. Me... my purpose.. everything. How can GOD put people in such bad situations. I felt like maybe I screwed up with GOD, too. Maybe, just maybe. *Knock, Knock* Someone was knocking on the door. "Come In." It was Braden. "Omg! Katie what's wrong!" Braden ran in and placed a hand on my shoulder and one on my leg. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I hadn't realized tears started streaming. "Oh.. Nothing." I wiped at them. "Katie... you know you can tell me anything, right?" He questioned me, but it was true. I could tell him everything and anything, and That's what I'M supposed to do. We're bestfriends, That's what we do. I took a deep breathe and I told everything. I told how he went from this sweet vixen to the living devil. I told him how he cheated. I told him about me finally standing up for myself. "Katie I --" I had to tell him the worst part of it all. "On the day that I found out he was cheating. I ran here, and I was looking for something.. and I found a pencil sharpener..." "Katie please tell me you didn't." I saw a tear fall from his gorgeous eyes. He turned his head from me. I placed a hand in him. "I did. I took it and I didn't have a screwdriver, so I took it and I stepped on it, and broke it into millions of pieces. I took the blade, and..." tears were forming, and I could feel my face getting hot. I couldn't speak without my voice shaking, so I decided not to speak. He stood up, and quickly sat back down. "Which arm?" he stated more than asking. "What?"I asked. "Which arm!", he raised his voice. So I raised my arm. He took it, and slid up my sleeve. A tear fell when he saw it. He kissed my arm, he kissed every single scar.








So How's About It, Like It So Far? Do I Need To Drop Braden? What About Trevor? Any Ideas? Anybody? Do You Guys Even Like It?

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