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Braden looked down, and I kept my eyes on him waiting for a response. We had to be sitting in this position for about 5minutes.
"I... Saw you."
"Saw me where?"
"I saw you when Trevor snatched you up at some guy's house, and there was video footage in the basement that got out.."
"Braden! I had been gone for a week or two! Why didn't you follow him and try to get me!"
"I didn't wanna believe it was you." Braden mumbled.
"I DIDN'T WANNA BELIEVE IT WAS YOU!" Braden got teary eyed.
"But when I saw that both of you were missing.. I knew it had to be you. Then immediately I sought out to find you, I promise." I believed him, but he had the chance to save me those countless days I stayed down there. I was curious about the video footage, but didn't to ask. The whole world probably thinks I'm a hoe by now.
"Make a right." I said staring at the road.
"That's not the way to your foster house though."
"Make a right. Keep straight. Then at the light turn left." He did as I said and we rode in silence. Soon we arrived at Drake's house. I remembered the first time coming here, being so fascinated, now it's just a normal house to me.
"Are you sure this is where you want to be?"
"Yes Braden." I got out the car and walked over to his window. I gave him a light kiss on the cheek.
"I'll keep in touch." Four simple words, that felt so cold. I looked at the glint of disappointment in his eyes. I started to walk off..
"KATIE!" I turned around raising my eyebrows.
"I love you."
"I love you too, and always will Braden." He looked at me with a face of 'call me if you need anything.' I gave a reassuring smile as I walked up to the door as Braden drove off. It was at that moment when I realized me and him would never be together. I rang the doorbell I heard the TV be muted. Then came footsteps.
Drake opened the door "OMG!" He wiped his eyes, so he could see better. I ran up and hugged him! In this moment I felt like nothing ever happened. Yet hat didn't last because I had to tell him. I had to tell him everything. By the look of it, it seemed he had let himself go. His hair was all out of place and he was still in his pajamas. His face started to glow when he saw me and I felt the tension.
"Where have you been?!"
I took a sigh and we went in and sat down and I told him everything. From before being an orphan to now. That was the longest explanation I'd ever given. But it was the most powerful thing I had ever said. Each word had a different emotion around it. Drake told me how wonderful I was, and how it's not my fault. He told me that there was always going to be horrible things happening, but they always get better. Of course I've heard this before, but hearing it from Drake.. Well that made it mean something.
"But Katie... I'm leaving."
"What?! Leaving?! Where are you going!?" He got up and walked to the kitchen, and started cleaning dishes.
"Where are you going!"
"To college!" I just looked away. "But hey! Apply and I'm sure you'll get in!! You're a shoe in!" He rushed over to comfort me, and I was filled with glee. Although, soon my smile faded.
"What!? What is it!?"
I had remembered, being caught up in this Trevor mess I only got through half of my senior year in High School.. There was no way I was getting in a college..

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