Weight Lifting.

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Author's note: Sorry you guys I've been busy, and I'M in New Orleans.!! !

I had been avoiding Trevor's phone calls, texts, and letters. I was pissed at him and if he thought he could just apologize and then It's over... haha. He's funny. I thouhgt through what I was doing. Should I be ignoring him? Maybe it was a mistake? Hell. No it wasn't! He knew what the hell he was doing. He knows what the hell cheating is! I don't give a Fuck about him. I figured he'd try to beat me.. but I wasn't allowing it. I'M going to stand up for myself. I decided I would go and break up with him.

As I walked down the street, I recited what I was going to say. I Probably repeated it about.. thirty times. When I arrived I noticed his mom's car wasn't in the driveway. I walked up and rung the doorbell. It seemed as if he was waiting on me, because right after I rung, he opened the door. "OMG! BABY! " He held his arms out for a hug, and I put my hand up as a signal to stop him. He looked confused. As if he didn't understand why I was being so hostile. He told me to come in, and being the Dumbass I am, I did. I walked in the living room and he followed short after. "What's wrong Babe" "What's Wrong?! The fuck do you mean what's wrong!?

You were cheating on me!" My voice was rising. "Babe look It's not that bad. Why are you so mad!?" He was raising his voice to match Mine. "What do you mean It's not 'that bad'" I put emphasis on "that bad". "You're a FUCKING low life! and I fucking hate you! why do u have to be such a bitch!!!!" With that comment he slapped me and I could feel my face swelling. "A bitch!! Oh really!?!? I've done nothing but protect you! so you can Shut the Fuck up! get down on your knees and suck it, like the whore you -." I Punched Him With A Killer Hook! His nose started to bleed.

He Came At Me, and I Kneed Him Where The Good Man Split Him. He Fell To The Floor. I wiped My Cut Lip, That I Got While Biting It Of Rage. "It's Over." I Spat at him. I was walking out of the door, when I turned around and said, "And I'm Not A Bitch." I sauntered down the street picking up speed, just in case he might try to run after me, and shoot me. I ran and ran all the way back home, and into my room. I sighed.. sat down to think, and cried. Not just because of my thoughts, but because a weight had finally been lifted off of me!

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