New Boyfriend!

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"Hey! I'm Trevor. And You Are....." He Said To Her. "Ummmmm........ I'm ... Uhhh... Ummm... I'm .. Katie" She Finally Spat Out. He Chuckled At Her Nervousness. "Yeah? I Like It. So Are You an Orphan?" Omg! What Am I Supposed To Say? 'Oh Yeah I'm A Lonely Orphan Because My Family Didn't Love Me!' "Yeah. I'm New Here, What About You?" "Well, No. Nit Anymore. I Got Adopted By The People Across The Street, They Seem Like A Nice Family." *Katie's Thoughts* Damn! He's Not an Orphan Anymore! " "Oh, Well That's Cool, I'm Glad For You." At That Moment A Lady Called His Name, and Told Him To Come On To The Car. "See Ya Later, Ok?" He Asked Me, Wanting To Respond Back. "Ok." He Scurried Off, and I Looked Out The Window and Saw Them Drive To The House Across The Street and A Few Houses Down. I Turned Around and Went To Find My Room. When I Approached It, I Opened The Door and Two Other Girls That Looked About My Age, Were Sitting In There.  

"OMG WE GOTTA NEWBIE!!" One Of The Girls Yelled. She Had Long Black hair, It was in an emo style, Big Light Brown Eyes, Her Nails Looked Freshly Done, Do To The Way She Was Holding Her Hands. She Was About As Tall As Me, and She Looked Very Excited at Just About Everything. "Yeah. Whatever." The other Girl Said With A Nasty Attitude. She Was Mixed and She Had Really Curly Natural Hair. She Was Dressed In A Sequin Top and A Jean Mini Jacket. She Had On Black Skinny Jeans, and Combat Boots. Katie Watched Her Every Move As She Stood Up and Approached Me. "What's Your Name?" She Was Standing So Close To Me, That I Could Feel Her Minty Breath On My Face. "The Name's Katie." I Said. One Thing I Learned From My Parents Was Not To Fear Anything. I Had Been Through Too Much, To Be Afraid Of A Girl My Age. "Ohh.." The Girl Chuckled. "You Got Spunk, I Like You, I'm Trina." "And I'm Kate. Hey! Our Names Are So Close, We Could Be Like, Twins!" Kate Butted In.  

"Yeah, I Know." I Searched For An Open Bed and Quickly Found One. I Sat My Stuff Down, and Got Comfortable. I Started Thinking About How My Life Is Going To Be So Different. No More Abuse. No More Parents, but I'm An Orphan. What If I Never Get Adopted? What If I'm Always Here, Until I'm Forced To Leave. This New Lifestyle Is, Ju-" "Hey, Let's Go Show You Around." My Thoughts Were Interrupted By A Voice. Oh. Yeah. I'm An Orphan, and That Was Kate Talking To Me. Shaking My Head I Said, "Yeah." 

They Showed Me Some Of Their Friends That Seemed To Be Super Nice. They Showed Me Where We Eat, and They Took Me Out For Ice cream. I Was Actually Having Fun! Until, They Wanted Me To Meet Some Of The Neighbors, Which Wasn't A Problem, All Of Them Were Very Nice. It's Just That When I Approached ... HIS House. "I Think I'm Tired Of Meeting The Neighbors...." I Tried To Play Off A Yawn. "Oh. Come On! This Is The Last One, I Promise! Stop Being A Wimp!" Trina Mocked, As She Went To Ring The Doorbell. It Took A While, Before, Anyone Opened The Door, but When They Did.... "Hey, Trevor! Woooowww Nice New Home! I Just Wanted To Introduce You To Our New Friend. She's An Orphan, and Her Name Is..." "Katie, Yeah I Know." Drake Cut Her Off, While Looking Starstruck. He Went Down and Took My Hand. "Hey Van We Hangout For A While." "Uhhh, Sure." I Stuttered. I'm Such A geek! "Sorry To Steal Your Friend." "No Problem, No Problem! Keep Her As Long As You Want, As Long As You Feed Her, She Needs To Gain A Little Weight." Trina Winked and Ran Off With Kate.  

"Come In! Come In!" Trevor Motioned Me In The House. "Ms.Foster!!!! I Have A Friend Over, We'll Be Up In My Room!!!!" 

"Ok!" The Mysterious Lady Yelled Back. We Marched Up The Stairs, and I Sat On His Bed. "So What's Up? How Is It Here?" I Asked. Just A Bit Curious. Trevor Shrugged. "It's Normal. Waaaayyyy Better Than Before. I Felt Alone At That Place. I Like It Here, It's So Cozy!" "Oh Really?" I Gave A Toothy Grin. "Really!" Trevor Stated. I Threw A Pillow At His Head. "Still Cozy!?" "Oh. It's On!" He Grabbed A Pillow Off The Bed, and Sacked Me Smack In The Back Of The Head. I Was Really Having A Pillow Fight With A Dude. I Feel So Free. This Is Amazing.  

After A While We Got Tired, and I Just Plopped Down. "I Give Up!" Immediately, He Sang, "SWEEEET SWEEET VICTORY!"  

I Don't Know Who Made The Song, But I Remember Seeing It On Spongebob When I Was Really Little. I Laughed At Him, Until I Heard A Familiar Lady's Voice Yell, "Trevor, Can You And Your Friend Come Down For Lunch, We're Having Spaghetti!" My Eyes Popped Out Of My Head, I Don't Remember A Day Of Eating Human Food. I Looked At Trevor, and He Said, "Last One To The Table Is A DuckFace!" We Both Bolted Down The Stairs and To The Table. He Beat Me. "DuckFace Duckface", HE Taunted! I Chuckled and Sat Down. I Had A Blast Over There, and Soon Trevor and I Were A Thing. I've Never Been A Thing Before! I've Never had A Boyfriend This Is My First Time! My Life Has Been Going Great Since, I Came To The Orphanage. Well At Least That's What I Thought, Until One Day!

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