Trevor's P.O.V

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Sorry Its Seriously Short, but im always seriously busy, and its 1:22am, and i have school tomorrow. Hope you enjoy. :)

Trevor's P.O.V: "Whoooooooo Arrreee Yoouu Nooww" The band, Sleeping with sirens sang to me. It was my phone's ringtone. "Yo!" I answered. "Hey man, Trevor?" "What do you want Austin?" "You seen that bitch Katie?" "Nah, but I'm still looking for her." It was true. I was going to find her, and teach her respect. "Man, get this.. I know where she's at." I hopped up. "Really!?" "Yeah. She's chillin with my cousin Drake." Yes! I've got her. "Text me where he lives, and meet me down the street in 10." "Alright man, but he has her on Lockdown, you got to be smart 'bout this." "I got this shit man!!" I hung up the phone after saying that.

I had already been planning what I was going to do... boy is she going to learn from what she did. I chuckled to myself as I grabbed my car keys.

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