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Things Weren't As Bad Because, Trevor Had Went On A Trip With His Family. He Was Gone For About, 2Weeks, and School Was Coming Up Soon. This Was Going To Be A New School For Me, and I Was An Orphan.... I Was Excited, But I Wasn't At The Same Time. The Worst Part Was That Trevor Would Be There. Not To Mention He's Coming Back Tonight. I Was Absolutely Terrified. I Had, Had The Best 2Weeks Of My Life, Without Him, and Now He's Coming Back, and He Already Texted Me To Meet Him Tonight At The Park At 6. I Had Wondered, Why Not At His House, But This Bitch Probably Just Wanted Me To Gang Banged Or Something. Gawsh! I Hate This Man Whore. This Egotistic, Gorgeous Ass Bastard. (Cut Me Some Slack, He's Gorgeous) It Was 4:00, and I Was Going To Hang Out With My Bestfriend, Braden. Kate, and Trina Were Sick, So It's Just Me and Him. "Hey." I Said When I Saw Him Waiting For Me On The Sidewalk. "Where Have You Been?" He Said With A Smile. "Oh. Nowhere, I've Just Been Climbing Down The Tower, Sorry It took So Long, My Prince." "Well, My Princess I Would Be Perfectly Fine With Waiting On You." I Chuckled At The Comment. We Started Walking, and Talking. "So What? Do You Like It Here, .. At this Place?" He Asked Me. "Yeah. I Mean It's Better Than The Place I Was At Before." "Where We're You?" "Can't Say... It Was Just Horrible." "Ohh. I Understand. It's Alright. Good Things Come From This Place, I Mean You Met Me Didn't You."

"Haha. Yeah. Your An Awesome Bestfriend." He Popped His Collar, and Did A 360. "Well Not To Brag Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. I Already Know," He Laughed. I Love The Fact That He's So Confident. I Love The Fact That He's My Bestfriend. "Haha! Whatever. Anywho, Whatcha Wanna D -- AUGH!" I Had Tripped, In Such A Quick Motion, That All I Remembered Was Him Catching Me. I Couldn't Help But To Stare Into His Eyes, and Then .. What Can I Say ... We Were Both Staring At Each Other.

"HEY, KATIE!" I Heard Someone Call, and I Quickly Jumped Realizing The Voice. "WHAT'S GOING ON OVER HERE?" Trevor Basically panted. "Hey, Man!" Braden Said To Trevor. Then they Did Some Handshake. "What's Up? How Was Your Trip? Fun? You Weren't Supposed To Be Back For Two More Hours." "Yeah. The Trip Was Alright. Same Ole Same Ole, and Yeah I Got Back Early! Glad To Be Back With My Girl!" He Smiled, Pulling My Hips Into His, and Then Kissing My Forehead. (*Katie's Thoughts* Ew.) I Smiled Anyway, Though. "Do You Mind If I Take Her From Here?" "Nah, Bruh, Your Girl, My Bestfriend, I'm Cool." Nooooo. Noooooo. Don't Say That. Take Me With You! "Haha. Thanks, Bro." "No Prob." He Started Walking Back Home. (She Started Calling The Orphanage "Home" After A While.)

The Walk Back To Trevor's Was Dead Silent.

It Was Absolutely Awkward. When We Got To His House, I Could've Sworn He Was Going To Beat Me, For Hanging Out With Braden. The Weirdest Thing Happened Though, He Didn't. Instead He Asked Me If I Had Been Ok, and How Have I Been Doing. I Told Him, and We Started An Actual Conversation. "Well, Babe I'm Glad You've Been Ok." He Said, Immediately Followed By Him Kissing Me. It Wasn't Just A Peck, It Was Long-Lasting! What Can I Say, He Was My Boyfriend, and When I Felt His Hands Glide Up My Stomach, I Melted. My Mind Just Wanted More. On That Night I Had, Had Sex With Him Willingly, and In Those Moments I Swear We Were Infinite. The Next Day I Couldn't Help But To Think About Him All Day.

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