My Abusive Boyfriend.

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"Hey Girl!" Kate Said Casually. "Hey Before You Go Over Trevor's Wanna Go To The Park?" "Uhhh Sure!" She Had Broken My Thoughts. "Great! I'm Going To Go Get Trina and Braden!" Braden Was One Of The New People That I Met Here. We've Became Bestfriends.

When She Came Back With Trina and Braden, Trina Was Wearing A Half Shirt, That Showed Off Her Flat Belly. Her Black Skinny Jeans Looked Great, Especially With The Tan Combat Boots She Was Wearing. I Glanced Over and Saw That Braden Was Wearing A Solid Blue Shirt, A Black Leather Jacket, and Some Blue Converse. His Brown Eyes Stuck Out, and I Never Noticed How White His Teeth Were. Or How Great He Looked With His Braces. My Bestfriend Is Pretty Cute.

We Started Leaving For The Park, Right When I Saw Trevor Running Up To Me. I Bet I Looked Pretty Confused, Because I Sure Did Feel It. He Grabbed My Hand, and Said, "Can You Come Over Now?" "Ummmm....." Why Now? I Said I Would Go To The Park With Them, But This Is My Boyfriend. What Do I Say? I Mean-- "Katie! You Promised You'd Come With Us!" Braden Exclaimed, Pulling Me From My Thoughts. "Trevor, I'll Be Over Later I Really Need To Hang Out With My Friends." "Ohh.. Okay. No Prob!" At First I Saw Sadness In His Eyes, But Just As He Turned Around I Saw Something Else. I Didn't Know What It Was, I'd Never Seen It In Him Before.

We Started Walking To The Park, and I Looked At Braden. "Swings?" "Swings!" We Both Raced Off To The Swings, Laughing and Pushing Each Other. It Was Fun. We Made Up An Obstacle Course, Throughout The Park. I Won. My Prize Was A Candy Necklace. I Put It On and Started Jumping Around. I Quickly Stopped. "Huh?" I Looked Around, Searching For Someone. I Don't Know Who, But I Saw Someone....... Watching Us? "What's Wrong? What'd You See?" Braden Asked, Obviously Noticing Me Feeling A Bit Worried. "Oh Nothing!" I Exclaimed. "Are You Sure? You Looked A Bit... Scared..." Kate Butted In. "Nah, I'm Ok." I Shrugged It Off. Whatever I Saw Is Gone Now. I Looked At Them, Gave A Smile, and Ran Off To The Park Lake. Everyone Followed. We Just Sat Around It............. Staring. I Broke The Silence, and Splashed Braden With Some Water. I Thought It Was Pretty Funny, Until He Splashed Me Back. Soon Everyone Was Splashing. I Stood Up, and Slipped, In The Lake. Everyone Froze. "Oh My Gosh!!" Braden Lended A Hand. I Grabbed It and Pulled Him In. "Ohh. So That's What Kind Of Party This Is!" Trina Yelled, While Taking Her Over Shirt Off, Showing A Cami. She Jumped It, Yelling, "CANNONBALL!!!!!!!!!" "Make Room!!" Kate Yelled As Jumping In!

This Is So Fun. I Love These Friends. Later We Walked.Back To The Orphanage. We All Had To Change Clothes, Because We Were Soaked. I Changed Fast, And Headed To Trevor's. I Knocked, and Immediately Was Greeted By His Foster Mom. "Hey Sweetie!" "Hey!" I Hugged Her. "Is Trevor Here?" "Yeah, He's In His Room SweetHeart." I Headed Up The Stairs, and Walked In His Room. He Was Standing At The Window Looking Out. "Hey Baby!" I Said. "Ya'Knoww....... You Really Hurt Me." He Was Practically Whispering The Words. He Walked Slowly Towards Me. "Are You Talking About The Park? I'm Sorry I Didn't Know Tha--" My Words Were Brought To A Halt. As A Hand Came Up Swiftly and Slapped Me Hard. My Face Was Burning, and I Was Mad. I Didn't Know What To Do. My Mind Wanted To Run, and My Body Wanted To Slap Him Back. I Started Panting, and Then My Body Won. I Slapped Him Just As Hard As He Slapped Me. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I Screamed. He Chuckled. "So You Fight Back?" Without Waiting For Me To Reply, He Pushed Me Into The Wall, and I Instantly Felt His Hands Go Around My Throat. He Was Choking Me. I Was Getting Lightheaded. I Started Grasping At His Hand, But That Didn't Stop Him. I Felt My Feet Leave The Ground, He Was Picking Me Up At The Same Time. "Now, Are You Gonna Disobey Me?" I Tried Hard Just To Shake My Head, No. He Let Go and I Fell To The Floor.

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