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That Next Day, Katie Woke Up, From Her Parents Calling Her Down For Breakfast. She Rolled Out Of Bed, and Headed To The Kitchen. When She Reached It, She Dropped Down To Her Knees, To Eat.

Katie Isn't Allowed To Eat At The Table. She's Only Allowed To Eat On The Floor. I Guess It Made Sense, Because She did Eat From A Dog Bowl, and That Makes Sense Because She's Only Allowed, Dog Food.

Katie Shoved Her Face In Her Food and Ate Gracefully. When She Finished, She Stood and Asked Her Mother, "May I Be Excused." Her Mother Replied, "No, Now Come And Sit Up Here With Me."

Immediately, A Million Thoughts Went Through Her Head. "What'd I Do? Am I In Trouble? Oh My Gosh! Did I Sleep In?!"

Katie Isn't Allowed To Be At The Table, So Why Would She Be Allowed Now?

"Yes Ma'am!" She Said To Her Mother, As She Sat Down.

"As You Already Know, Your Father and I Are Going On A Trip. We wouldn't Want To Leave You Here, All Alone, To Fuck Up Everything." "YES! YES! I'm Going Too! Omg! This Is So Amazing." Katie Thought To Herself. "Sooooo, We're Going To Give You Away. You're Going To An Orphanage." "WOW! THAT'S BETTER! I'M FINALLY LEAVING THIS HELLHOLE!" She Thought Again.

"NOW GO PACK, NOW!" Her Mother Yelled.

Katie Stood and She Ran Up The Stairs To Her Room. She Got Out A Suitcase, and She Started Throwing Her Clothes In It. She Didn't Have Many, So It Didn't Take That Long. She Zipped Her Bag Up, Fell Back On Her Bed. "I'm Gonna Be Gone. I'm Leaving, Maybe A Rich Family Will Adopt Me. Maybe I'll Have Millions Of Clothes. I'll Make Friends, and Be Happy!" Katie Told Herself, Feeling Full Of Glee!

"KATIE!! COME OUT TO THE CAR!!!" Her Mother Called Out To Her! Katie Blitzed Down The Stairs With Her Suitcase, and Quickly Got To The Car. She Opened The Back Door, and Threw Her Suitcase In. She Slammed The Door, and Opened The Trunk. She Crumpled Up In A Ball, and Closed The Trunk When She Was Settled.

(Katie Isn't Allowed To Ride In The Back Seat, Or The Front. She Can Only Ride In The Trunk But She Was Used To It.

They Arrived At The Orphanage, and Soon After She Was Officially, An Orphan. Immediately She Started To Scan The Crowd. It Didn't Take To Long Before She Saw A Boy.

Katie Had Never Had A Boyfriend Before, Neither Has She Liked Anyone. But When She Saw Him Something Sparked.

The Boy Had, Dark Brown Hair. He Was Average Height, For A Boy. He Didn't Look Like An Orphan, Considering His Apparel. He Had On Clothes That She Had Never Seen Before, But She Liked It. He Was Light Skinned, He Looked Mixed.

(Her mother always told her that blacks were no good, but that was then and this is now. She had never actually seen a 'black', but they look nothing like, how her mother described them. Her mother had said, they were all jet black, and they were all mentally retarded. She seemed to really hate them. She even referred to them as, black monkeys. Leading Katie to think they were bad people.) "I would love to be his wife. Why would my mom hate them? If he's a monkey what am I? Geesh." Katie thought.

Then, he turned around, and looked at her. Katie had realized she had never stopped staring at him. He waved and she waved back. Now he was approaching her. "OH, GOD!" she thought.

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