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    Author's Note: Well I was demanded to give an update today .. so I did. Hope You Guys Enjoy. Comment What You Liked and What You Didn't Please! and Vote!

"GAWD WHEN THE HELL AM I GETTING OUTTA HERE!" It'd only been a week, and I've been released from that horrid chair 3days ago. I can't deal with being locked up. I want Trevor to die. I honestly hate him now. I never knew how anyone could say they want someone to die and mean it but now.. I don't know. I want him to feel my pain. Every inch of it. I hoped for him to be as hurt by someone he thought loved him like I was. I hated him with a passion. I started to ball my fists up, and threw something. Then I started to cry. I wept and wept. "Why.." I started bawling, because deep down I know I still cared about him. I couldn't help but to cry and ask myself 'why'? Why me? I heard the basement door creek open. I was still crying, but I didn't want anyone to see me like that so I wiped at the tears. "Awwh. Why were you crying?" I guess my attempt at hiding it was weak, but I was cold towards him. I turned my head and held a scowl. "Does it matter?" A cold hand flew across my face, with a smack. I held my face. Trevor bent down towards me, "Baby, I'm sorry." I swatted at the hand that tried to comfort me. 

    He sat down in front of me. "Babe why don't you love me?" Why don't I Love him?! What in the living hell? " 'Scuse me?! Why don't I love you? Hmm.. let's see. OH YEAH! I do love you, but you're too fucking blind to see that!" "You love me!? So is that why you decided to leave me!? Huh!!?"

       "Well when the opportunity comes!" I said that with a huge smile on my face. "Ouch! I deserved that! But Can I Tell You A Story?" "NO" "So when I was little my mom was a very loving person." "Why do I care?"  "Shhh ... Now .. She loved me so much. She wouldn't let anyone put a hand on me. Was worried when a hair was out of place." He chuckled to himself. "I loved her so much. My dad on the other hand. He was really strict. He'd always argue with her. One day, he slapped her. I saw my mom fall to the floor, but she was tough she fought back. Although, somehow everyday she'd lose." He paused. Thinking I guess. "I'd try to help her.. but I was young. I didn't know what to do. He told me if I didn't move he'd hurt me too. My mom just cried to me and said stay back, and it was always like that. Then one day.......... he went crazy. Told me to say my last words........... He killed her." I saw some tears that he was trying to hold back, escape his eyes. "Right in front of me. I let him do it.. Its my fault.." He was full on crying now. I've never seen him cry. Never thought I would. My throat grew dry, and my eyes started to sting. A tear fell. "Now you know you didn't -" "I did..................... and I regret it, but when I say I love you.." He lightly touched my chin. "I do mean it. I want you to myself, and couldn't imagine you with anyone else. I just -- don't know how to handle this.." "Trevor, I -" The basement door started to open. We saw the light grow larger. Who the hell is that? They were running down the stairs, you wouldn't believe who we were staring at! I don't even think Trevor did!

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