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Days went by and I had to watch Drake fill out papers for the college he would soon be going to. I moped around for these last few days, felt like I was wasting away.
Drake was packing his things into the car, when I came out and saw him. He slammed the trunk shut and walked over to me. We stood there looking at each other, evaluating how life would be without each other. He looked into my eyes as if he saw something deeper, and I looked into his with sorrow.
"What am I supposed to do?" I whispered. He grabbed both of my hands and kissed them.
"My parents said you can stay here until you get back on your feet."
"I don't want you to go."
"I'm sorry." He hugged me so tight and I thought I'd never let go. He was so warm, and he smelt so good. That familiar smell came off from him, and I cried into his shoulder, knowing I wouldn't smell it again. He broke our embrace, and our lips locked. We kissed for a long time, neither of us caring about air at the moment. I hated when he pulled back.
"Goodbye." I let every tear I had been holding in all my life, fall down my cheeks and onto my shoes.
"Goodbye." You could barely hear me because I was so choked up. He kisse my hands one more time, and he got into the car. I watched as the car drove off, until it was out of sight.
I walked back into the house. It was empty. His parents weren't going to be home for another two weeks, which is when school officially started. I had to go back, which really wast repeating anything I only went for a couple of weeks anyway.
I heard a knock at the door and I was surprised. I though nothing of it, they'd go away. Once the ringing stopped I settled down, face planting into the bed. I didn't want to do much. I was sad and I couldn't handle being bothered. Someone had touched me, and I screamed.
"It's only me, I'm Drake's mom." Oh! They were the ones knocking, guess they let themselves in.
"Oh. Hi, nice to meet you." She looked at me up and down smiling, and then she appeared a little confused.
"Why didn't you want to go to college again?"
"We'll I do.."
"Then go."
"But I can't."
"Well when I was going through all of hose things I didn't get a chance to finish my senior year."
"Is that all?"
"Yeah.. But no college is going to accept me without a high school diploma." I started crying. I didn't want to look her in the eye. I didn't want her to feel like I was a low-life."
"Honey.." Here It comes. The pity party.
"You don't have to finish."
"What.. What do you mean." I sobbed.
"Honey, all you have to do is pass a test saying that you know all you're supposed to know, and then you'll get your diploma."
"Seriously." She smiled at me and I felt all warm inside.
"But I don't know that much"
"I'll teach you, but laying around in this bed all day isn't going to help you. Get up, go eat, and we'll start afterwards.
His parents were very inviting and nice. For the next week I spent every hour studying and learning. I was very fascinated in mythology and cosmetology.
The time came and I was prepared for the test. When we arrived at the building there were only about seven other people there. Not many people take this test. I walked in the building with confidence heading straight to my room, and off to an open seat. Well, most of them were open. No one was in here except a girl and a guy.
The instructor walked in and immediately passed out the test.
"You have 120minutes. If you are not done by then, you will be given an extra five minutes. After that if you have not completed the assessment there is no extra time. You may begin."
I opened the booklet quickly. The first question I panicked, but as I went along I realized I knew most of this. I finished the test about thirty minutes before time was up. The extra time wasn't needed. I knew I had passed this test!

*Knock Knock Knock* I heard a T.V being paused. The door opened slowly, "OMG!" I was scooped up in an embrace being twirled around.
"What are you doing here?!" Drake asked excitedly.
"Well I kinda go to school here Sooo.. Yah!"
"No way! Wha- How!"
"Your mom did it." I found that Drake did nothing but smile, then he ran his fingers through his hair. He scooped me up again kissing me this time.
"I'm just so happy. I thought that was the end!" Drake's face lit up.
I smiled too. Everything was finally going my way. After all that happened. It was my time to be happy. It was my time to finally be able to sit back and relax.

*10 years later*
"Jonathan!!!!" I yelled. "Come here and pass mommy her purse." He struggled to pick it up. "Thank you my big strong man." He nodded his head and ran away. A knock came at the door, I knew it was my life long BestFriend.
"Come In Braden!"
"Hey Gumdrop! Where's the food, I'm starving and what's up Drake." They did a handshake.
"Check the kitchen if you're hungry." He left and Drake turned towards me.
"Yes?" Drake answered, rubbing my pregnant belly.
"I love you."
" I love you too..."

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