Suspicion .

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I was sitting in my new room texting Braden, when i looked up and i saw Trevor standing in my doorway. "What!?" I rolled my eyes. "What's up sexy!?" I ignored him and kicked back on my bed. "C'mon babe, you've been here for a week and you haven't said a word to me." He sat on my bed. "Why can't we kiss and make up." "Kiss you? Aha! No thanks." I chuckled at my comment. "Babe, I swear i'll try to change." Is he serious? "Pfft!I Heard That One Before!" "Babe im serious.." "No Look. Im serious. Do you know how much pain you put me through. Do you know what you've put me through, and you thINK YOU CAN JUST APOLOGIZE AND I'LL TAKE YOU BACK!?" My voice was progressing louder. "Listen Babe. Im really fucked up in the head.." "Got that right." He sighed. I could tell he was getting frustrated, and i was waiting for him to hit me, and i was ready for it. So I can prove i'm right. "BUT! I know my mind is right when i say this.." He grabbed my hand, and at first i flinched at his touch. "I Do Love You! " Being the dumbass I am, I looked into his eyes. I knew he meant it. I started to say its ok, but then I started to think about how he showed it. I don't like him being over-protective. He's not always gonna get his way. Although, he thinks he will. I'm tired of answering to him, but a part of me wanted him back. I don't know. I guess it's true. First love never dies. I still love him deep down, I know I do. That's when that little part of my heart took over. I crammed my lips into his and he quickly replied. I couldn't help myself.

The next day I felt weird around Trevor. So I went for a walk with Trina. We haven't been hanging out too much, so I decided to give her a call. She sounded happy when I asked her to go down to Starbucks. Personally, I don't like Starbucks all that much, but she did so I sucked it up. "So how are things with you and Trevor?" I was a little shocked by the random question. "Umm.. its alright. We just got back together. " "Oh really?! Why did you guys break up in the first place?" She sounded a little too HAPPY for my taste. I gave her a look before saying, "Umm.. well we just weren't getting alone." I wasn't completely lying. "Oh. Is that all?" I just nodded because I was getting tired of this conversation. Luckily we had just arrived at Starbucks. I sat down at a table while she ordered me something. I don't know how to say half those names of the coffe. Why can't you just say I'll have some coffee with special stuff in it. Simple as that.

She came walking back to the table with the unknown coffee substances. I gracefully thanked her for paying and started drinking. "So tell me more about Trevor." "Hey! What's up with all these 'Trevor' questions?" I felt her get uncomfortable, and that caught my attention. I straightened myself up. "Well, umm.. I don't know. Just making sure everything is ok!" I could tell by her eyes that was a lie. I chose not to interrogate her, because I was tired. I put my head on the table. As soon as I did I heard what makes you beautiful by One Direction. I knew it was her phone, so I didn't bother to lift my head up. "Oh! Umm.. I..I have to take this I'll be right back!" She sounded jittery and she hurried and got away from the table before answering.

Trina's P.O.V: She put her head down on the table and I was just feeling relieved. I knew that she knew something was up. Then my phone went off. Omg. Why the fuck is he calling right now. "Ermm.. I.. I gotta take this. I'll be right back!" I knew I sounded horrible, due to my shaky voice, but I had to move. "What the hell why are you calling right now!?" "Babe im sorry I just needed to know if everything was working out,"the person on the other end replied. "No. Not really. She kinda knows sonething is up." "What the fuck Trina! I thought you said you'd handle this." "Oh shut the fuck up! Why can't you beat the bitch, get! her mind right!" "I already told you. I love this one." "Oh cut the shit Trevor, you never love anyone!" "No you cut the shit! You know Nothing , babe just get her in check." He hung up. Dammit! Fuck him. I put a smile on my face and walked back over to Katie.

Katie's P.O.V: I saw her walking back to me, and started wondering who it was that called. "HEY, what was that all about?" "Oh Nothing ." I took her word for it. "Hey we should start walking back now," she said. I took my coffee and rushed out of there. We walked back talking and laughing all the way.

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