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~~My Inspiration Has Come Fro.@AnayaSmith3. She Is Awesome You Guys Should Follow Her. Anywho I Really Hope You Like It.






Trevors P.O.V: "Who the fuck does this hoe think she is? She can't break up with me.. I love her." An image flashed in my head. It was my dad he was saying something to my mom. "AND IF YOU THINK YOU I CAN'T HAVE YOU. NO ONE CAN." I remember him saying that to her... right before.. before he slapped her to the floor and shot her. I remember every living moment. I was hiding behind the couch, when I jumped out grabbed the phone and called the police. That was the last time I saw my mom. I was taken away from my father and put in an orphanage. I didn't mean to turn out like this, but I don't know how else to act.. I quickly snapped back to reality.

"She's mine and I wont let anyone tell me different." I ran in the house looking heart broken. "Mom, can we talk." "Of course honey come have a seat." She motioned over for me to sit with her. "Well mom.. Katie broke up with me. She told me that she couldn't be with me because she might get adopted and it'll be harder to get over .. so she thought she'd go ahead and end it. Mom.. will you adopt her please I love her." I know the story was bullshit, but when I said the last part a real tear actually slipped from my eye. I wiped at that shit because I wouldn't allow myself to cry. One tear leads to floods. "Baby. Of course. If she means that much for you. I have an old guest room, she can have it. I just want you to be happy", she stroked my face. I stood up. Thanked her, and headed up stairs. At the top of the stairs I looked down and said, "Mom, make it a surprise for her." A Devious smile couldn't help itself but to creep on my face.





Katie's P.O.V: I was sitting with Braden and His eyes were just so beautiful. He was talking, but I wasn't listening I zoned out. I was just staring at him. I saw that his mouth had stopped moving, but if We're being honest I didn't care. I leaned in close to him, and he followed. Right when everything was getting good .. someone came bursting through the door.

"Katie... sorry to interupt, but there's great news. YOU'RE BEING ADOPTED!" "OMG!" Me and Braden Jumped Up and I Jumped In His Arms! He whispered in my ear. "Never forget me, Alright." All I could do was shake my head. I hurried and packed my things and ran out. The kind lady pointed me to someone. She told me that was the person adopting me. I looked at the lady she was pointing at. She looked so familiar. Maybe we've met before. I couldnt tell who she was. I was Straining my eyes to see. I just thought i'd forget about it. I was just happy that someone actually requested me.. but i couldn't help but to wonder, why? After all the paperwork I said my goodbyes and hopped in the car. On the way to the unknown.. i couldn't help but to stare. My brain was trying to process who she was.

When we pulled up in the driveway the smile that was plastered on my face dropped. This was Trevor's house. I looked over at the lady as she took her disguise off. "SURPRISE!" I couldn't help it I broke into tears as i saw Trevor come out, standing in the doorway with a devious smile on his face. "Baby.. it's ok. I know about you and Trevor. " She knew? I dried some of my tears. "I just want you to know. Its ok. Ive talked with him and i think this is the best way for you guys to work it out. Everyone wins!" She exclaimed. She hopped out the car and took my bags.. i'm guessing to a room for me. By the time i got out the car i had stopped crying. I was angry. When i got to the door Trevor tried to hug me, but i pushed him aside. I guess that was the wrong move, because he grabbed me by my arm, and whispered in my ear. "Your Welcome." I saw him smile down at me. I quickly snatched my arm and walked away.

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