Wonyoung x Reader: Back to you

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Pt 2 of Tonight

"Wony, we need to talk." You whispered, talking to the exhausted girl laying on your chest

"Can we do it another time? I'm beat." Wonyoung barely muttered out, her head thudding onto you as you sighed, lightly patting Wonyoung on her back as you felt her breath slow to a steady pace

It's been 3 weeks since you came back to Wonyoung, 3 weeks since you decided to stay for one more night. One night turned to another, then for the week, then 3 weeks. Wonyoung was an addiction, except this addiction didn't hurt you, instead, it jeopardised Wonyoung's career. You always told yourself that it was only for one more night, one more night couldn't hurt, because the moment you looked into Wonyoung's eyes, when she asks you to stay, that she needed you, how could you say no? So here you were, holding Korea's granddaughter as she found solace in your warmth.
Wonyoung was wide awake of course. She was used to long hours of shoots and interviews, but she was always energised by seeing you. This time was different though. Wonyoung knew what you wanted to talk about, and she hated it. Despised it with her entire being, but above all, Wonyoung was afraid. Wonyoung was afraid, terrified, of what you wanted to say, afraid of you leaving her again. So she did what she had to. She avoided the topic, changed the topic, directed your attention elsewhere in hopes that the thoughts would vanish from your mind the same way she wished it would from hers. In a sea of negativity, you were her buoy, keeping her afloat. How could she let you go?

Beginning to feel a little numbness in your leg, you went to relieve it, gently picking Wonyoung up, laying her on the bed, unwittingly letting out a slight giggle as you saw Wonyoung's arm search around for you, before draping her blanket over her, lightly caressing her hair before a giving her a light kiss on her forehead. Getting up, you looked around the dorm room that you had once spent many hours in. You hadn't paid it much attention in the last 3 weeks, but looking around, nothing much had changed. Pictures of the two of you adorned her makeup table as it did a year prior, the little gifts or tokens you gave to Wonyoung in passing are memorialised and put on display, worth more to her than any of her luxury bags or dresses, even the little notes you wrote whenever Wonyoung had long schedules or went away, Wonyoung cherished it all. But you would be lying if you didn't notice the tear stains on some of the notes and letters, guilt gripping your heart as you glanced over to Wonyoung, her peaceful look an image you cherished, but also an image you couldn't help but worry about, whether it would all vanish in an instant.

You were pulled from your train of thoughts by a knock on Wonyoung's door, freezing you in your place.
Fear began to overtake you, recalling how the company had found out about the two of you in the first place
"Wony, you there?" You heard Yujin's voice through the door, your shoulders sagging a little as you calmed down a little. Still a little wary though, you held your tongue, quietly looking at the door in dreaded anticipation as silence filled the room, only to be cut through by Yujin's voice once again
"I know you're in there Y/N. It's just me, don't worry."
With a sigh, you walked to the door, gently opening the door to see Yujin standing outside the room, gesturing for you to leave the room

"Hey Yujin." You whispered while leaving the room, as Yujin reciprocated with a smile.
"Hey. It's been awhile." Yujin replied, before the living room was filled with eerie silence, both uncertain about the trajectory of this conversation
"How long have you known?" You finally broke the silence
"Since the first day, it was pretty obvious, first time in ages Gauel didn't have to drag Wony out of her room for breakfast." Yujin chuckled, though there was a sad undertone to her words
"That doesn't mean it was me." You probed
"Well, you're the only person who found out about me liking caramelised onions, or Liz liking silver fish. So imagine my shock when Wonyoung started handing those things to us. Good to know you still care about us Y/N" Yujin teased, lightly shoving you on the shoulder as you both chuckled
"Of course, you girls are like my family. I care about all of you." You said in earnest, shooting Yujin a small smile
Mustering some courage, you turned away from Yujin, the gravity of the situation dawning on you once again
"Listen, Yujin, I know I'm not supposed to do this, but...I just can't say no to her..."
Yujin's face turned to one you were not used to, a serious and somber expression on her face
"Y/N, I talked to the other girls, and I told them what's going on. We decided that if the two of you wanted to give the company an ultimatum, we'd back you guys."
Almost instantly, your voice raised an octave, though it was quickly muffled as you realised how late it was.
"What?! Sorry, just...this is what I wanted to avoid, I can't ask you girls to risk everything just for me."
"It's not just for you, it's for Wony too, and like you said, Y/N, all of us, you, me, Wony, Leeseo, Rei Liz, Gaeul, we're all like family, how could you expect family to do any less?" Yujin rested her hand on your shoulder, a reassuring smile on her face as you were stuck, uncertain of what to do.
"...I'm not worth all your sacrifices, Yujin. I can't put the girls through this, you know what the company will try to do...hell, both you and Wonyoung have had to redebuted already, Leeseo's still a child, and the rest of the girls... I'm not worth this Yujin." You could barely whisper the last words, tears forming, now you weren't just putting Wonyoung's career in jeopardy, you were putting the entirety of IVE in with it too.
"Y/N, I see the way Wonyoung looks at you, we all have, and we see the way you look at her too. Even if you didn't want to put our careers at risk, could you really leave her? You did it once already, it broke the both of you, and it ended right where you began, the two of you hiding in her room, pretending like you can spend the rest of your lives hiding from the company, we both know there's only two ways this can go Y/N. Either you leave to protect Wonyoung from the company, but it'll break the both of you, in ways you can't even comprehend, or you stay, we fight for you guys, and you could stay together."
"And if I say I think I should leave?" You asked, turning to look at Yujin, who was clearly taken aback at your suggestion. She stayed silent, considering her response.
"I would say you're making the wrong decision, I would say that you and Wonyoung are made for each other and leaving her would be a mistake, but I would also say that it's your decision to make, I won't stop you." Yujin answered as you nodded, shooting her a small, albeit weak smile.
"There'll be a package coming in a few days, keep it with you, you'll know what to do."
Yujin wordlessly nodded
"Goodnight Yujin."
"Goodnight Y/N."

Back in Wonyoung's room, you entered as quietly as you could, only to notice a really confused Wonyoung.
"What were you doing out there? No one else knows you're here..." Wonyoung asked, hands outstretched as she invited you back into bed
"Just needed to get some water, don't worry, no one saw me." You quickly got back into bed, feeling Wonyoung's arms wrap around your waist
As the two of you held each other in silence, both minds were in turmoil, fear and uncertainty clouding their minds.
"Y/N, you know I love you right?" Wonyoung whispered, leaving a light kiss on your hand
"Of course, and I love you too." You whispered back, feeling Wonyoung nuzzle into your neck, running your hand through her silky hair, before she pulled back a little, smile on her face as the moonlight illuminated her, a magical aura emanating about her.
"Go to sleep Wony." You whispered, lightly caressing her face as she nodded, her breath slowing to a steady pulse. With the girl of your dreams in your arms, you stared at the ceiling in despair. What to do? What to do?

As the illumination of the morning sun struck Wonyoung in her face, she groggily got up, expecting to feel you on the bed, only to be met with nothing.
Still in the grasp of morning haze, Wonyoung stretched, looking around as she saw a letter on her makeup table, one with your familiar handwriting on it.
Small smile on her face, Wonyoung walked to her table, gently opening the envelope.
Her smile quickly vanished, just the first line of the letter was enough to rob Wonyoung of any joy she felt in the moment, turning to despair and anger, bolting out of her room to see the 5 girls eating Breakfast.
"Hey Wony, you're up early, what do you want for breakfast?" Gaeul asked, turning around to scramble around the kitchen.
Wonyoung paid her no mind though, immediately rushing to Yujin.
"What did you say to Y/N last night?" Wonyoung asked, trying her best to contain a scream as tears trickled down her cheeks.
"What?" Yujin could only mutter, confused by the sudden confrontation.
"Cut the shit Yujin, I know you talked to Y/N last night, what the hell did you say?" Wonyoung could barely contain her anger anymore, her fist so tightly clenched that her knuckles turned white.
"What happened? What did Y/N do?"
"Y/N's gone. Only left me a letter, said that they wouldn't be coming back anymore."
All eyes were on Yujin by this point, who had a somber look on her face.
"I didn't know they'd do it already..." She softly muttered to herself, but still loud enough that Wonyoung caught it.
"You knew? And you didn't try to stop them?" By this point, Wonyoung's rage was too great, the other girls looking in fear as they had never seen Wonyoung angry, let alone this angry.
"Wony I-" Yujin tried to talk, but Wonyoung quickly shot her a glare, interrupting her.
"Y/N called me that. You don't get to call me that. You don't get to call me anything, at all." Wonyoung quickly turned, running to her room as the door slammed behind her. She found herself melting into her bed once again, sobbing as the lack of warmth in her bed only served to remind her of your absence. In her tear-stricken state, she took the letter you had wrote her, reading it in it's entirety

 In her tear-stricken state, she took the letter you had wrote her, reading it in it's entirety

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