Seeun x Reader: Deadshot

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A/N: this is an AU, so some parts of Seeun's debut and career are tweaked to make things a tad more realistic

The world was not what it seemed, with an underworld whose roots spread further than that of Yggdrasil. The criminal underworld was a treacherous one, but one that Seeun had no choice to adapt to, seeing as how she was picked up from the streets by them, a street urchin on the brink of death, resuscitated, and molded into a weapon, only to be granted freedom from under Yggdrasil once her "debt" was paid. Seeun was trained day and night, in a course that could only be summarised as the most efficient ways to incapacitate and kill someone, training in Martial arts like Sambo, Akido, Judo, Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, as well as Krav Maga. Not only that, Seeun was turned into a weapons expert, guns, Melee weapons, give Seeun a Number 2 Pencil and she'd drop bodies. With that, Seeun worked her way up the branches of Yggdrasil, becoming one of their top enforcers with remarkable aim, earning her the moniker, Deadshot.
None of this was by choice of course, Seeun hated what she did. She valued human life, and while some of the people she put down were horrible people, people who deserved worse than a bullet to the head, not all of them were. Some were just in the wrong place in the wrong time, or offended the wrong person. Every time Seeun pulled a trigger, or snapped a neck, a little part of her soul died, only one thing kept her soul intact. You.
Like her, you were dragged in from the streets, like her, an orphan, with no one who would miss you. Though you and Seeun were approximately the same age, you were found from the streets later than she was, making you less experienced than her. Seeing you struggle with the training as she once did, Seeun took you under her wing, helping train you, and to Seeun's surprise, gaining an unlikely friend, in the worst of places.

"I heard that Cain is sending us on a mission soon. Some crazy guy roided up with the wrong juice, makes him impervious to pain. It's gonna be tough." Seeun said as the two of you sparred, kali sticks in hand as you circled each other.
"Sounds like fun." You smirked, suddenly changing your pace, catching Seeun off guard, knocking her onto the ground
"Told you Sseni, You might be better with a gun, but I'm better at hand to hand combat." You chuckled, offering your hand to Seeun, helping her up as she rolled her eyes.
"That was just luck, I'll kick your ass next time." Seeun said as she lightly shoved you, her head bolting to the left as the entrance to the training room opened, a messenger appearing.
"Cain requires your presence in the main hall now." 
The two of you shared a smile, before nodding and following the messenger.
"Deadshot, Hawke. I believe you've heard what this mission will entail, here's an official brief. Your target goes by the name Samson, and he operates out of a Warehouse by the docks. Locate him and take him. Alive. That is all." Never one to waste words, Cain swiftly briefed the two agents on the mission, the two nodding as they turned to leave.
"Deadshot, stay, I have need of you." Seeun turned to Y/N, nodding to you as you left the room.
"As the person who trained you since we found you, I have grown a soft spot for you, so I give this advice to you. Whatever feelings you have for Y/N, lose it, kill it."
Seeun wore a mask of indifference, but she was trying her best to hold together her slipping facade. Somewhere, sometime during a mission, or training, Seeun found herself falling in love with you. Your laugh, your smile, your way of holding her together, Seeun found her love in a life of death and pain, the silver lining in the sea of red.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Seeun coldly replied, staring Cain dead in the eye as he chuckled.
"Say whatever you want kid. I did you a favour, checked in with the Elders, this will be your last mission, then you're free. You won't be seeing Y/N anymore after this." Cain shot Seeun a small smile, Seeun recoiling in shock, but nodded.
"Before you go, take it from someone who's been here far too long. For people like us, Love is like a bullet to the brain."

"Sseni, you feeling alright? You've been oddly silent this whole ride." You asked, your eyes not leaving the knife you twirled in your hand as you ran a cloth over it.
"This is going to be my last mission." Seeun blurted out, unable to keep the secret to herself while her mind was deep in thought on her conversation with Cain. On the one hand, Seeun was glad to be done with this life, the killing, the missions, but on the other hand, Seeun would never see you again. Until the elders set you free, but who knows how long that would take?
"Oh, that's great Sseun! You get to go live that life you've always wanted to!" You excitedly cheer, finally sheathing your knife, jumping towards Seeun and throwing her into a hug.
"Yeh." Was all Seeun could mutter, because somewhere along the way, the life that Seeun wanted to live would not be one she wanted at all, if you weren't in it.
"Deadshot, Hawke, 2 minutes out." The driver said, pounding on the wall between his seat and the two of you nodded, Seeun brandished her modified assault rifle and you primed your electric bites, hopping off the van, then getting to high ground, surveying the warehouse.
Seeun flicked her infrared goggles down, surveying the warehouse.
"Target is with 4 of his men, lightly armed, Hawke, head to Breach Point Alpha, then enter on my signal. Take down the men, then take on Samson, I'll cover you then join." You nodded,  bolting to the other exposed window, waiting for Seeun's nod, then jumping in, shooting 2 electric bites at the men, stunning them while they convulsed, allowing you to easily knock them down, other two falling to the ground, Seeun's marksmanship showing itself.
"I didn't expect Yggdrasil here so soon." Samson said with a smug smile. Jumping towards him, you shot a bite at him, but he chuckled shrugging it off.
Redoubling your efforts, you charged at Samson, drop kicking him, then flicking a flechette at him, which stabbed him in the shoulder, but it seemed to have no effect on him.
"Didn't your beloved elders brief you, I don't feel pain anymore, and he who doesn't feel pain, can't be beat." He proclaimed with his arms out, before bum rushing you, his speed astonished you as you only barely got out of his way, his shoulder grazing you and sending you back a few feet. Brushing it off, you charged at Samson, engaging in a fierce duel as you dodged, parried and weaved, trying to find a weak spot, but none presented itself, and you soon found yourself on the ground.
"Deadshot, I can't get a hit on this guy, he just keeps getting up." You shouted into the comms
"Hold him down, I need a clean shot." Seeun said, you followed her as you saw the glare from her scope
"Negative Deadshot, we need him alive." 
"Hold him down Hawke, trust me."
Nodding, you lunged at Samson once again, but instead of going for his body, you went for his joints, grappling around him, eventually holding him in a lock.
Holding Samson in place, you saw 4 quick flashes, seeing Samson's limbs light up, blood splattering, and you suddenly felt less resistance.
Letting go of Samson, his body dropped to the ground, struggling but unable to get up.
"What did you do?" You asked in the comms, Seeun grappling down to you.
"Just because he can't feel his tendons being torn, doesn't mean he doesn't need them. Let's get him to the van Hawke." Seeun smirked, helping you as you restrained Samson, depositing him in the van

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