Tzuyu x Reader: Run Away

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"I love you."
It was a pretty typical line to say to the person you were dating, right? Okay, you could see how it was a little strong of a word. Like was a school crush, a fleeting crush maybe. But Love was usually forever. It meant commitment, faith, and everything inbetween. You understood it's significance, which is why you hadn't said it for so long, but today? With the moonlight shining down on her hair, her gummy smile illuminating the world, well, your world, but that was enough for you.You steadied your nerves, and you uttered those 3 words, hoping for the best. You wouldn't exactly classify what happened as the best though.
Her smile faded in the blink of an eye, her irises contracting as she looked stunned, some might even say she was afraid from the looks of it.
"Tzuyu, you alright?" You hesitantly raised your right hand, trying to tap her on the shoulder, shake her out of whatever trance she was under.
Her shoulder darted away from you, you could hear her breath hastening as she looked down, shaking her head rapidly.
"We're over, go away, now." Was all you heard Tzuyu mutter, before she grabbed her bag and sprinted from the bench the two of you had made yours.
All that was left now was you, stunned in silence at the bench, only the still piping hot fries and the flowers she had given you prior left as the indicator of the amazing date the two of you were having up till that point.
You wanted to chase after her, but you heard her last words to you. You didn't understand what had happened, but you didn't want to go against her, so at least for now, you let her be, only dropping a quick text to Sana.
"Text me once Tzuyu gets home alright? Thanks Sana." You quickly typed, before sighing, walking back home with fries and flowers in hand.

"What the hell happened?" You saw the message from Sana pop up, causing you to sigh.
"It's complicated." You replied, leaning back on your pillow.
"You said you loved her, didn't you?" You read the message, and your eyes almost popped out of its sockets.
"How did you know?" You quickly replied.
"Come over now." Was all Sana replied.
"Tzuyu said she wanted me gone, and I want to leave her be for now..."
"Come over now before I drag you by your eyelids."

After exchanging pleasantries with the guard at the dorm's security, you nervously ran up the stairs, noticing the door slightly ajar. Sana's machinations, no doubt.
Lightly pushing the door open, you quickly pulled back, hiding behind the door as much as you could as you heard Sana having a rather heated discussion with Tzuyu.
"What's so scary about the word? You're okay with telling me and all the other girls that you love us, and you don't flinch when any of us say we love you, so why the hell is Y/N any different? Huh? You know as well as I do, or anyone with eyes and a twinge of common sense, that Y/N loves you, and that if you asked for the stars, that fool would pluck them out from the sky, so why? What's so scary about the word huh? What?" Sana tried to keep her cool, but as someone who had spent so much time pushing the two of you together, just for all of that to disappear in just a night, she was frustrated to say the least.
From the back, you could see Tzuyu's shoulders heaving up and down, hearing her breath hasten. In your worry, you were just about to bolt from behind your hiding spot, but you quickly stopped, shocked at what had transpired.
"Easy for you to say! Love comes just sooo easy to you, the great Minatozaki Sana, but some of us have been through shit okay! Do you know what it feels like to give yourself into a love that was never there? To hope so desperately against hope, that whatever you had was real, only for you to be left, in the dust, lying in a pool of your own despair and pain? I know Y/N loves me, and you know damn well I feel the same way, but I just can't say it, because what if things change? What if I throw myself into love again, only to fall back in the void? How am I supposed to just go back to the way things were before? Even then, you know just as much as I do, the people who date idols go through hell sometimes. Sure, Y/N can handle it now, but what if one day it gets too much? It all ends the same way Sana. Me, alone. So tell me Sana, why is love so hard?" Tzuyu screamed in an outburst uncharacteristic of hers, but you could sense the anger, rage, and to some degree, sadness.
Even Sana stood there, speechless as Tzuyu seethed with rage, before she turned to leave, her face quickly draining of colour though.
"Hey..." You awkwardly say unsure of what to do, but Tzuyu's eyes widened, before she quickly ran, moving to her room before slamming the door shut.
"I'm sorry..." Sana muttered, worried by her friend's outburst, but you quickly tried to calm her down, then moved to Tzuyu's room.
"Tzu, you there?" You whispered before you leaned your back on her door, sliding down it as you sat.
You could hear Tzuyu's sniffling from behind the door, breathing slightly erratic with slight hiccups.
"Can I tell you a story?" You offer, hoping to calm her down.
You leaned upon the door for a few moments, silence filling your world, before you heard Tzuyu hum a soft agreement.
"There was a boy and a girl. They met at school, the way it usually goes. After a meeting that one would describe as love at first sight, the boy asks the girl out for drinks, an offer she happily accepts. They meet at the bar, have some drinks, and have the time of their lives. The next day, in school, the girl notices a rose in her locker, and she sees the boy at his seat, looking at her with a sweet smile. The plans for a next date were set almost immediately. The boy was an artist, a lyricist even, so every date saw the debut of a new piece, poems, songs or prose, and every piece made the girl fall deeper and deeper" You whisper to the door, a small smile spreading across your face as you recalled the first time you heard this story.
"What happened next?" Tzuyu asked, curious as to why you had suddenly stopped talking.
"Oh right, sorry. Things didn't go that smoothly. Both of them didn't come from wealthy families, so after graduation, they struggled to make ends meet, the job market wasn't exactly accommodating at that point, only the boy getting a job. After months upon months of job hunting, still, the girl found herself unable to find a job. Of course, this made her down on herself, and above all, she felt like a burden, as the boy had taken to taking a part time job outside of his full time one to help settle both his and her expenses while she was just there, woefully unable to get a job.
She let this sadness overtake her, and one day, after yet another rejection letter, the girl felt worlds crash all around her. Feeling like nothing but a failure, the girl felt herself shrivel and sob atop their shared bed. Just as it were, the boy came back, small black box in hand and a huge smile across his face, though it quickly disappeared as he saw the love of his life sobbing on the bed. With reckless abandon, the boy tossed everything aside, safe the black box, then knelt in front of the girl.
"What's wrong?", he asked, worried as he quickly cupped her face in his hand, wiping her tears away.
"Why are you still doing this? Just leave me, I'm just deadweight", she whispered back, distraught as she tried to look away from the boy.
Just the thought of leaving her hurt the boy, and he immediately held her hand, squeezing it to reassure her.
The boy got on one knee, gently cupping her face as he made a promise.
"My love, I may not be wise, and I won't save the day, but look into my eyes, and know that I'll always stay"
He promised, placing a tender kiss on her forehead, before looking to the small black box in his hand, opening it to her, making his last promise.
"And my love, I won't run away."
The ring wasn't anything extraordinary of course, he couldn't afford that no matter how many part time jobs he took. But to the girl, that ring was the most valuable thing in the world."

"So it's a happy ending?" Tzuyu's voice chimed out from behind the door, and you could detect a tinge of hope in her voice.
"Well, it's happy, but it's not the ending, not just yet. Soon the girl got a lucky break, an employer with an eye for talent and want for a hard working employee, hired her, and helped nurture the girl into a successful executive. The boy, in the mean time, decided to pursue his passions, successfully becoming a songwriter for several major entertainment companies. Both successful, they shared happiness and bliss, building a home together. Some years later, their home had an addition, they had a child, funny, strange and mild, and their love for their child ran deep. They nurtured their child to be strong, kind, generous, and wanted to give their child a comfortable and safe childhood. The child was rather clumsy though, often unwittingly causing damage around the house. Despite the boy and girl's attempts to reassure the child that it was okay, and as long as the child was careful the next time that it would be okay, the child began to turn their blame inward, thinking themself a clumsy fool who caused nothing but trouble for the boy and girl. One day, after breaking a rather expensive glass ornament, one that also held significant value to the girl, the girl couldn't contain herself, while not lashing out, beginning to chide the child, wondering why the child couldn't be more careful. It was a mistake, one that the girl quickly regretted, but it had left its mark. The child ran up to their room, crying as the girl followed closely behind, whispering a soft sorry.
"Why do you and dad still bother with me, all I do is bring trouble..." The child asked, and the girl quickly held the child close in an embrace.
"You're not trouble, and even if you were, we'd never leave you..." The girl told the child, then, as the two of them laid in the bed, the girl told the child the story I just told you, Tzu, the story of how the boy and girl met, and the day the boy proposed. After the story, the child looked up at the girl with tears in their eyes, hugging the girl even tighter, as the girl whispered, "it doesn't matter how you mess up, or how much trouble you cause, we know they're all accidents, and we'll never leave you, because we love you, and we always will. Always remember that, my dear dear child." The girl whispered, before humming a soft lullaby to get the child to sleep."

"Y/N... that's a nice story, but...why did you tell me this." Tzuyu asked, to which you cracked a small smile, sighing as you leaned on the door.
"Tzuyu, I know you think that it's only a matter of time before I leave, you say it's safer on your own, you'd rather sleep alone, then grow to need me there, but I hope now you can see, what my mom and dad showed me, because Tzuyu, I promise, I'm not going anywhere. I love you more and more each day, to love, is not to leave, so hear me when I say, my love, that I may not be wise, and I won't save the day, but look in my eye, and know I'll always stay. And I won't run away." You whispered, before you felt yourself fall backward, falling into Tzuyu's hold, feeling her hands wrapped around your neck as she pulled you into her embrace.
"It was a nice story." Tzuyu said, a wide gummy smile across her face, her eyes still tear streaked but the sadness was completely gone from her face. Tightening her hold around you, she leaned in, nuzzling her head in the side of your neck.
She placed a small kiss on your lips, before softly whispering.
"I love you too."

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