Winter x Reader: Angel Eyes

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"Shit, we've gotta get boss to a doctor." Yi Zhuo muttered as she looked around frantically, running to a first aid kid buried under tons of empty chip wrappers and beer bottles.
"Are you on cocaine or just stupid? You want us to bring boss into a hospital with a bullet wound? Do you want the feds on our tail?" Aeri rebutted, the two beginning to bicker as Jimin took out a bandage from the first aid kit, trying to stop the blood spurting out of Minjeong's abdomen.
"Will the two of you shut it, you're going to kill me faster than the bullet." Minjeong grunted out in pain, holding the bandage tightly against her wound.
Aeri and Yi Zhuo quickly stopped, grumbling but listening to their boss' command.
"Hello, is anyone there?" The quartet suddenly heard a voice from outside the warehouse. Aeri immediately springing up from her seat, alert as she looked to the door then to Minjeong.
"Could they be coming back for round 2?" Aeri asked, but Minjeong was in too much pain to respond, instead, Jimin beckoned Yi Zhuo over, handing the first aid kid to her before walking towards the door.
"Who's asking?" Jimin opened the door slightly, glancing out from the tiny gap.
"My name is Y/N, I'm a doctor. I saw a puddle of blood outside and a trail leading in here, is there anyone in need of medical attention?" You asked, peering throughout the warehouse in anxiousness.
'Just our luck' Jimin bemused, a small smile as she opened the door wider, beckoning for you to enter the warehouse.
"So what happened?" You asked, before you squinted your eyes, seeing the trail of blood leading to an attractive woman, blonde hair cascading down her shoulders, though your attention was soon grabbed by the obvious wound on her abdomen.
"Oh my god, what happened! Call an ambulance now!" You exclaimed, rushing forward, approaching the wounded and confused blonde.
"Well, We would call for an ambulance, but see, the origin of the wound has some questionable legality." Karina explained as you turned around quickly, looking at her in shock.
"What?" You asked, flummoxed as you turned, looking at Karina in confusion, before freezing up, feeling a cold metal on her neck.
"Save our boss, or you join her." You heard a voice from behind you.
Though stunned, you didn't panic, your previous role as a combat medic putting you in many rather precarious situations before, similar to the one you found yourself in at the present moment.
"You guys are mafia, aren't you?" You asked, turning around, folding your arms as you assessed the situation, seeing two other women you had not seen earlier.
"Mafia is an ugly word, we're a jolly band of delinquents. While I wished we could have continued this without any threats or violence, my associate's, let's call it intervention, has made that impossible. Regardless, I hope you will assist in the resuscitation of my boss, or the alternative will not be pretty." Karina said, a charming smile present on her face all while she threatened your life.
"You can put the gun down. I'm going to help your boss, but just for the record, not because you're threatening me. For what it's worth, I could probably take all 3 of you down." You comment, reaching into your bag, trying to see what tools you had.
"What did you say?" Aeri asked incredulously, her left hand pulling you up, before you turned, with just a simple motion, disarming her, unloading the pistol and throwing the magazine aside.
"I'm trying to save your boss, I would appreciate less chicanery. You guys are lucky I was on my way to work. Miss? The rational one, could you get me a bowl of boiling water?" You looked to Karina, who chuckled, nodding.
"The other two of you, help me bring your boss to the table there." You say, beckoning the two of them over, the sudden contact bringing Minjeong out of her pain induced stupor.
"What's going on?" She murmured out
"I'm dead aren't I?" Minjeong muttered to yourself.
"Not just yet. Okay, this is GA, usually I wouldn't be allowed to administer it willy nilly, but nothing about this is allowed so I guess we're going ahead. I'll be holding the tube over your mouth and nose, just breathe through it slowly, it's a muscle relaxant, so you won't feel the pain, and you should go unconscious soon." You explain, holding the tube with a small compartment of brown spheres.
"Don't you need me to sign some papers saying I consent to all this bullshit or something?" Minjeong quipped as she pushed the mask aside.
"Miss, I understand this is not ideal, but as much as I dislike your line of work, I will not let you die. Now your associates have rejected my pleas to take you to a hospital, so I'm all you have. Do you want my help or not?" You questioned, laying out your tools on a table next to you, glancing at Karina who hurried over with a small bowl of water.
Minjeong stared at you for awhile, eventually murmuring, "Do what you need to"
You chuckle, rolling your eyes as you once again move the tube to Minjeong's face.
"Take deep breaths Miss, calm down and take deep breaths." You explain, Minjeong slowly breathing in.
Minjeong grunts before she breathed the air in, glancing at you till she felt her eyelids grow heavy, falling unconscious.

You begun to prepare the tools you needed, Karina and Aeri long since vacating the room, though Yi Zhuo stayed, eyeing you suspiciously.
"I'll be beginning the procedure soon miss, I would advise you to step out of the room." You comment offhandedly, rolling up your sleeves.
"Don't you fancy doctors need an assistant or something?" Yi Zhuo questioned.
"Miss, I've done surgeries on helicopters while being fired upon. Besides, I doubt you'd be much help."
Yi Zhuo stared at you for a short while longer,  before finally seceding with a grunt, stepping out of the room.
Looking at your tools, you mentally prepared yourself, before hearing a soft giggle behind you.
"Miss, I've told you, this will be most effective if I-" You begin to reprimand one of the three girls who you had assumed walked in, but instead, you saw Minjeong with her eyes open, though clearly loopy.
"Hello there Angel Eyes." Minjeong said, giggling all the while.
Your eyebrows raised, you had heard that this agent resulted in recipients to be loopy or otherwise, not there mentally, but you had never seen it first hand before.
"Angel Eyes?" You commented, looking at the blonde girl funny.
"Your eyes, you stole them from an angel didn't you?" Minjeong asked again, prompting you to lightly chuckle. Who knew the stoic mafia boss had such a side to her.
"Hmm, maybe, or maybe I was just born this way."
"You're really pretty, Miss Angel Eyes." Was the last thing Minjeong said before falling back onto the table

"Ji, Boss is up!" Minjeong heard Aeri shout as she clutched her head, trying to get up but the pain from her previous wound permeated through her body, causing her to groan in pain, collapsing back on the table.
"Where did they go?" Minjeong demanded as she looked down, seeing her wound neatly stitched up.
"Aeri? She's a-" Jimin tried to start, before being cut off by Minjeong.
"No, the A- Doctor, the one who worked on me." Minjeong said.
"Oh, they left once they stitched you up. I would have stopped them but Aeri tried and...well, she isn't here for a reason."
Minjeong looked at Jimin skeptically, before looking down, hiding a smile from her companion.
"Penny for your thoughts boss?" Jimin asked.
"Could you find the doctor again? I want to thank them." Minjeong asked, Jimin looking at her with a small smirk.
"You sure it's to thank them? Not because she has angel eyes?" Jimin teased, Minjeong's face heating up a little
"I really hoped that was a fucking dream." Minjeong grumbled under her breath, but the thought of you lightened her mood once again.
You did have angel eyes

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